This research discussed about the kind of phonological interference and the factors that occur the phonological interference on the Buginese Students at English and Literature Department. The method that was used in this research was descriptive gualitative research. The researcher collected the data with six fricative consonants (f, v, 0, 6, f, 3) by recording and interview, then analyzed with…
This study aimed to find out what factors influence the shift in the Padoe dialect in the Buginese De language to students studying at various campuses in South Sulawesi. Language shift occurs as the people decision to use the language among the community which usually shifted from the lower social language to the high social language or from the less powerful group to the dominant one. This re…
This research discussed the contrast between Buginese and Javanese phonological interference and the factors that occur the phonological interference on the Buginese and Javanese Students. The method that was used in this research was gualitative research. The researcher collected the data with 9 fricative consonants (f, v, 0, 0, s, z, f, 3, h) by reading test, recording and interview, then ana…
This research aimed to find out the family role toward the maintenance of maiwa langauge among maiwa undergraduated students in makassar. the langauge maintenance was about bilingual aspect that occured when the family and students interacted in daily life.
This research discussed about languange function in intercultural verbal communication which aimed to find out the kids of language function and the dominant one that teachers and foreigner students used. This research based on Jakobson's theory who figured out about language function.
This research discussed about the teacher’s gesture toward the Student’s Motovation in Studyng English in SMP Al-Islam Benteng Tellue. This research aimed to describe the teacher’s gesture in order to motivate students in studying English and to find out the student’s response about the teacher’s gesture in the classroom. This research actually based on Hunt’s theory about the teac…
This research discussed about factors affecting languages choices in bilingual class of english and literature department academic 2015. This research aimed to know the dominant factor affecting language choices among bilingual students of english and literature department academic year 2015 with ninety students as respondents.
in the research the researcher found the kinds of error that was made by the students, are: misinformation, omision and overgeneralization. The most dominant error found in the students' works is misinformation with 63.72% and the lowest is overgeneralization with 5.88%. Besides, the researcher found the ability of studens in making passive voice is blance, where correct answer with 50% and inc…
The researcher also found two effects of culture shock experinced by Thailand students. they are positive and negative effect. based on the finding and discussion, the researcher concluded that Thailand students at alauddin state Islamic University of Makassar Experienced four proccesses and two effect of culture shock. the implication of this research is to give understanding about culture shock.
this research discussed about the mispronunciations among the pattinjo native students of english in three universities in makassar which aimed to identify the mispronunciations in pronunciation of sounds in english word and sentence similar to indonesian language sounds, but not in buginese aounds and the cause of mispronuciations produced by the pattinjo native students of english in three un…