Buku ini berisi mengenai dasar-dasar bahasa Inggris
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan koleksi berbahasa Korea di Korea-Indonesia Cultural Corner Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar sudah baik dilihat dari jumlah pengunjung yang banyak karena tingginya kebutuhan serta minat pemustaka terhadap kebudayaan, lagu dan drama-drama korea, kertersediaan bahan pustaka yang selalu diperbaharui serta fasilitas yang baik sangat me…
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Arabic language has significant roles in developing science. In the time of Umayyah and Abbasiyah Dynasty, Arabic had been used as means to translate some scientific books of Greek Philosophy. It resulted in the change of moslem thought. The huge translation motivated some experts to develop their skill and knowledge. Through this language, people can understand the development of science. Not …
Almost all Arabic linguists agree that Ah bin AbiThalibwathe .first initiator and pioneer who cieveloped. Nahwu. This idea was disclosed by Ah when he was ruIig the government. This idea appeared due to some factors, among others is religious factor mainly in the effort of purifying Al-Quran from ‘lahn(misreading). This problem actually existed since the prophetic era, then continued to Khula…
Arabic language as a language used in aI-Qur’an has wide meaning and various language expressions that enable some experts of Islamic law different in understanding the texts. Thus, it brings about the difference in determining the law. It is due to the ambiguitive texts existing ¡n aI-Qur’an. The ambiguity is caused by singular words, or singular words wichgrammatically has different char…
This article discusses about the character building in utizing laníıage according to Islam. The language sometimes ecomes source of conflict because it is social image. Therefore, to minimize root of thernconflicts, the cross-culture dialogue should be conducted in order that people can understand one another. Ideally, character building starts from institutions of education, including househ…
ln this article, the writer addresses the specification of Arabic from phonological, morphological, syntactical, and semantic prespectives. Phonology is concerned with the sound system of a language; morphology is related to word formation processes of a language; syntax deals with sentence structures including changes of the last part of the words (z'rab) and their vowel characteristics in Ar…
Bahasan sekitar bentuk silabus dalam pendekatan komunikatif salahrnsatu ciri khas yang dikembangkan dalam pengajaran komunikatif adalah pemberian perhatian sistematis terhadap aspek-aspek fungsional dan struktural bahasa. Pendekatan komunikatif menggariskan fokus silabusnya yaitu “fungsi-filngsi komunikatif sesuai bentuk bahasa “dalam penyusunan bahan ajar yang berdasarkan pendekatan ini (…