based on finding and discussion the writer concluded that taboos culture is some actions that are prohibited to do in a certain society because it has a negative impact for people.
The researcher also found two effects of culture shock experinced by Thailand students. they are positive and negative effect. based on the finding and discussion, the researcher concluded that Thailand students at alauddin state Islamic University of Makassar Experienced four proccesses and two effect of culture shock. the implication of this research is to give understanding about culture shock.
This research was about connotation and denotation in words meaning which revealed in Kalindaqdaq as one of the poetry kind that is usually read among Mandarese society in religious activities. This research is based on Geoffrey Leech's theory. The data were analyzed through descriptive qualitative method.
This research discussed about Japanese Non-Verbal Communication by the main characters in the novel of Totto-chan and the Light on curtain of Sakura (an analysis of kinesics). This research is aimed to describe the types and the functions of kinesics that used by the main characters in novel Totto-chan and the Light of Sakura. This research focuses on the types and functions of kinesics as the …
This research is studied about taboos culture in Laiyolo (Mythical study at Laiyolo Language). The objective of this research areto reveal the taboos culture in Laiyolo (Mythical study in Laiyolo Language) and to know the society's perception of taboos culture in Laiyolo. This research used descriptive qualitative and Tiara's theory.
This research was about American Dream portrayed which aimed to find out the ideas of American Dream in The Great Gatsby Movie. The researcher applied Strinati's popular culture theory.
In concllusion, islamic cultural transformation in south sulawesi had given a positive impact to the progress of education, economic and local wisdom
Fertile area will createba termendous culture, namely local wisdom. Local wisdom in a society could influenced by islamic value. it happened, since islam had becomed a majority that influenced every people in our society. further, indonesian had a local wisdom than it was combined with islam, especially islamic value. it made a culture has islamic value.
inthis research, the reseacher found seventh decorum taboos from traditional customs events: mappadendang, mappatettong bola, makkarawa bola and maccera bola and four decorum taboos from housing construction: door and kitchen