based on the findings and discussion in this thesis, the writer found that the students' attitude in learning sepaking is X = 75 (positive attitude). the stidents' attitude in learning pronunciation is X = 72 (positive attitude). the students' attitude in learning grammatical is X = 76 (positive attitude). the students' learning in vocabulary is X 70 (positive attitude). the writer found that t…
tesis ini dibahas tentang proses morfofonemik prefiks: in (II, Ir dan Im). masalah tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai rata-rata dari mahasiswa semester ketujuh dalam menggunakan prefiks morfofonemik bahasa Inggris di departemen bahasa Inggris di Universitas Islam Negeri dari Makassar peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam menganalisa data, pengumpulan data, peneliti mengg…
the aim of this study is to find out the change of form and the meaning of borrowing word which is found in opinion column of Tribun Timur Newspaper.
the result of this research, the grammar mastery and speaking ability of the students were good. the data analysis showed that there was middle correlation between grammar mastery and speaking ability ability of the students.
by seeing the result contained in this thesis, it can be concluded that the ability of students' in using idiomatic expression of phrases (16.78), clauses (18.91), sentences (21.04). the students' ability in using idiomatic expression in fifth semester of english and literature department of UIN Alauddin Makassar was classified as poor ability. it was proved by mean score 56.61 of the administe…
the result of this study showed that the types of contexts which determine the intended meaning of the SL text include linguistic context (co-text) and non-linguistic context. while the linguistic context indicates the relationship of a linguistic items to another phrase, sentence, paragraph, or discourse level, the nonlinguistic context consist of topical context which gives information about …
The result of the research indicated the the seventh semester student of English literature of Adab faculty of IAIN Alauddin Makassar have low ability in using the degrees of comparison in English. The factors influenced them are : 1) the frequency of the students in learning degrees of comparison in English in the campus was relatively, 2) the lecturers rerely gave home assignment to the stude…
the result of this research showed that coefficient correlation between students' speaking ability and english vocabulary achievement of fourth semester students of English and literature department of UIN Alauddin Makassar (2012/2013) was r = 0,08 where lies between 0,00-0,20. this research showed that there is no correlation between students' speaking ability and english vocabulary achievement.