Buku ini terasa lebih istimewa karena disajikan dalam bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah dicerna, serta bertabur kisah nyata tentang cinta yang memikat dan sarat makna. Inilah buku cinta yang layak dikonsumsi segala usia dan tidak membohongi pembacanya. Buku ini juga merupakan buku cinta yang amat langka dan kaya makna. Apalagi ditulis oleh ulama, budayawan, sastrawan dan sekaligus penyair dan pu…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang ibnu hanai andalusia dan khususnya syairnya. pokok masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah ibnu hani andalusia kehidupan dan kelahiran dalam syairnya. tujan dalam penelitian ini adalah di dalam syairnya mengandung pujian, ratapan nan sejati. Kata Kunci : Studi Analisis Sastra
based on the finding in this research, the writer found the figure of speech such as metaphor, simile, symbol, hyperbole, litotes, personification, and alliterationin the poems of mirror, edge, and metaphors. the writer also found that the author described her feelings, and ideas in the poems into of animals, objects, and plants.
the aim of this thesis is to find out kinds and heroic values used by Chairil Anwar and Archibald MacLeish, and the similarities and differences both of poems. based on the finding and discussion in this thesis, the writer find out some heroic values in the poems, such as, hard work, bravery, resposibility, live giving, ddication, aelf-sacrafice, and determination.
Dalam buku Leksion Sastra ini, dimuat berbagai istilah yang lazim dipakai dalam membahas karya sastra prosa, puisi ataupun drama dalam menelaah berbagai teori sastra maupun dalam mengkaji hubungan karya-karya sastra Indonesia klasik dan daerah. Kata kunci: Leksikon sastra, teori sastra
in regard to the analysis, the writer concluded that mos of impression of the pom are provided by the us of figurative language in the poem. the figurative language are: simile, personification, hyperbole expression, in "Nightgale Song" and hyperbole, personification, irony, and apostroph expressons in "The haunting". in addition, the them of the poem is closely related to the impressions of th…
this research aims at describing kind of symbolic or metaphoric expressions that are used and what are the meanings of the symbols in Toloq Rumpaqna Bone by I Mallaq. in this research, the writer found several poets which are showing the metaphor or semiotics characteristic. but from those result of research, the writer just found two aspects from three aspect by Riffatere. there are displacing…
the aims of this research is to find out the kinds of symbolic expression that used in Linda PAstan poem and to describe those symbolic expression and significant.
Buku ini berjudul postkolonialisme indonesia: relevansi sastra dengan pertimbangan bahwa: semua pembicaraa yang berkaitan dengan teori postkolonialisme mengacu pada implikasi kolonialisme indonesia.
Buku ini berisi tentang sejarah sastra dan teori-teori kesusastraan.