This research is entitled "An Analysis of Associative Meaning in Zain Bhikha's Selected Song Lyrics." The problem in this research is what types of associative meanings are found in Zain Bhikha's selected songs. The method used is descriptive-gualitative, with the research instrument being note-taking. The collected data was analyzed through three steps: reading song Iyrics, the selection proce…
This study explores the colonial discourse in the novel A Bend in The River by V.S. Naipaul and This Earth of Mankind by P.A. Toer. This study uses a descriptive gualitative method using Homi K. Bhabha's ambivalence approach. Data collection is carried out by reviewing the literature of these novels and articles related to the object of study. The results show that there are several ambivalent …
This thesis aims to analyze the diction in Oprah Winfrey's speech "Will Make You Wake Up in Life and Take Action". This research uses a gualitative approach with speech analysis methods to identify the denotative and connotative diction used by Oprah Winfrey in her speech. Speech data is collected from trusted sources and analyzed in depth with a focus on the use of diction. The research result…
This study discussed the response of marginal children to the story in the picture book Little People, Big Dreams. This research is based on the theory of readers response by Norman N. Holland. This research is a gualitative descriptive method by using interviews to get valid data. The findings showed that the marginal children's responses to the picture book are engagement, interroganon, inter…
Skripsi ini membahas bahwa kemampuan literasi informasi mahasiswa Program Studi Bahasa Sastra dan Ingris dengan menggunakan acuan standar yang dibuat Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki sebagian besar mahasiswa untuk menentukan kealamiahan dan keluasan informasi dapat dikatakan sudah baik. Dalam hal kemampuan mengakses informasi, dapat disimpulk…
This research aimed to investigate the politeness strategies used in Indonesian and American advertisement, particularly in beauty product advertisement in each country. The researcher used a theory proposed by Brown and Levinson about Politeness strategy. The method used in this research is descriptive and gualitative method. The researcher used note taking as the instrument to get the valid d…
Identity is a self-reflection that comes from family, gender, culture, ethnicity and socialization process. Identity basically refers to the reflection of ourselves and other people's perceptions of us. This study was describing the identity of character in the novel. This study was using the Theory of Structuralism by Aristotle and Identity from Amartya Sen. The researcher was using a gualitat…
This research discussed about The meaning of Mantra Tradition of Mappatettong Bola” in Wajo Regency (Riffaterre Semiotic Study). This research aimed to find out how The first heuristic and Hermeneutic reading. The first reader can conclude what the mantra is all about and the second Hermeneutically, this mantra is not only understood at the level of linguistic structure, but it must be seen f…
Buku ini memberikan penjelasan orientasi dan ajaran pokok sufisme. Sufisme atau tasawuf merupakan sebuah disiplin ilmu yang telah tumbuh dan berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan dan dinamika pemikiran Islam serta peradaban manusia. Di abad modern dan postmodernisme, tasawuf banyak dilirik oleh masyarakat sebagai efek dari hadirnya sebuah zaman yang menjanjikan pemenuhan materialisme. Dalam bu…
Buku ini membahas tentang cara mudah menentukan tajuk subyek dan klasifikasi