Skripsi ini adalah studi mengenai Tradisi A 'dinging-dinging pada masyarakat Tendro Desa Bontolempangan Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar (studi unsur-unsur budaya Islam). Dengan masalah pokok yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis eksistensi tradisi A dinging-dinging, prosesi tradisi A 'dinging-dinging, serta nilai-nilai budaya Islam dalam tradisi A 'dinging-dingin…
This research is about Circe”s love as portrayed in Madeline Miller's novel which takes theme in ancient Greek mythology. The objective of the research is to finding out the types of love portrayed between Odysseus and Circe. The methodology applies in this research is gualitative. The source of the data is Madeline Miller's novel “Circe” which published by Little, Brown and Company, New …
Songs have some kind of implied meaning or other meaning that the author wants to convey to convey information to other people. The song Scars To Your Beautiful is a song that has a very mcaningful mcaning. Thc song shows the importance of every woman apprcciating her inhcrent bcauty. For the purposes of this investigation, gualitative methodology and semiotic analysis by Roland Barthes was use…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang “Promosi Layanan Perpustakaan Melalui media sosial tiktok di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Hasanuddin pokok masalah yang diangkat 1) Bagaimana promosi layanan perpustakaan di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Hasanuddin 2) Bagaimana Penggunaan media sosial tiktok di UPT Perpustakaan Univesitas Hasanuddin 3) Bagaimana dampak promosi layanan media sosial tiktok di UPT Per…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang “Persepsi Pemustaka Terhadap Kinerja Pustakawan di Perpustakaan Gedung Layanan Umum Kabupaten Gowa” rumusan masalah yang diangkat 1) Bagaimana persepsi pemustaka terhadap kinerja pustakawan di Perpustakaan Gedung Layanan Umum Kabupaten Gowa 2) Bagaimana strategi pustakawan dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya di Perpustakaan Gedung Layanan Umum Kabupaten Gowa
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka penulis di Kecamatan Tanete Rilau Kabupaten Barru masih memegang teguh adat istiadat nenek moyangnya yang diwarisi secara turun temurun selama berabad-abad. Pernikahan merupakan melalui beberapa proses dan tahapan mulai dari proses sebelum nikah (Mamanumanu,), (Lamaran), Mappattuada, Mappusiarekkeng Tudang penni atau matamata korongtiggi dirangkaikan dengan pem…
This study aims to describe and reconstruct the trauma and reconciliation of the main character on The Woman In The Window by A.J. Finn. The study used descriptive gualitative method using the theory of trauma by Cathy Caruth and concept of acting out and working through by Dominic LaCapra. This study is conducted through methods as follow, (1) defining formal and material obyjects, (2) data ga…
Linguistic landscape refers to the visual study of language that appears in public spaces, such as streets, signs, advertisements, and building facades. It involves analyzing texts in context, considering how language and symbols reflect the cultural, political, and social identity of a place or community. This thesis discusses the linguistic landscape in public places, especially in Makassar. …
The primary goal of this study is to discuss the sign-in application Learning Logo, which includes Google Classroom, Zenius, Kelas Pintar, Zoom, Google Meet, Ouipper. Each application learning logo has a number of influential aspects, including visual communication design and color. The purpose of this study was to identify the three types of indication in the Application Learning logo. This st…
This study aims to classify the types of slang that used by Twitter users on artist's tweets, and to find out the functions of slang that used by Twitter users on artists tweets. This study used Allan and Burridge's theory to classify types of slang and to find out their functions, which there are 5 types of slang such as fresh and creative types, flippant types, imitative types, acronym types,…