In nowadays gender issues are important conversations in society because they illustrate the inegualities, stereotypes and discrimination that individuals still experience based on their gender identity. This research seeks to explore the audience's response to the gender issues portrayed in the documentary 'He Named Me Malala'. The film recounts Malala's inspiring journey in advocating for wom…
This research aims to determine the types and changes meaning of English borrowing words in articles on newspaper published in July 2023. The researcher used descriptive gualitative methods, to describe and analyze the types and meaning changes of borrowing words from English into Indonesian that experienced extension, narrowing, regeneration, degeneration, and no changes meanin…
The objective of this research is to know the meanings of the symbol that exist in men advertisement through denotation and connotation based on Roland Barthes' theory. Barthes developed Saussure's theory of significance into a grammatical theory and its connotative meanings. The significant term have been changed to expressions and signifiers to content. Also, he said there must be a relations…
This research aims to investigate the way dialogism is depicted through character interactions and conflicts in the “Don't look up” movie by Adam McKey. The objective of this research is to discover the dialogism in the “Don't look up” movie 2021. The theory used in this research is a dialogism theory by Mikhail Bakhtin. The method used in this research was a descriptive gualitative met…
Skripsi ini adalah studi mengenai peranan AG. H. Abdul Rahman Ambo Dalle dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Islam di Desa Kaballangang Kabupaten Pinrang 1978-1996 M. Dengan masalah pokok yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Mengenai Gambaran Umum Kehidupan Beragama Masyarakat di Desa Kaballangang, untuk mengetahui biografi AG. H. Abdul Rahman Ambo Dalle. serta mengetahui peranan AG. H…
The purpose of the research is to explain the morality deviation performed by main characters in Samantha Downing's Novel My Lovely Wife. This research also aims to find out the factors and conseguences of the morality deviation of characters contained in the story. The gualitative descriptive method was used in this research. In collecting the data, the researcher used the Structuralism approa…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Hubungan Fasilitas perpustakaan dengan minat kunjung pemustaka di Gedung Layanan Perpustakaan Umum Kab. Gowa. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini yaitu 1) Apakah ada hubungan antara fasilitas perpustakaan dengan minat kungjung pemustaka di Gedung layanan perpustakaan umum Kab. Gowa. 2) Berapa besar hubungan fasilitas perpustakaan dengan minat kunjung pemustaka di Ge…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang 1) Tradisi ziarah pada makam Syekh H. Muhammad Amir merupakan tradisi turun-temurun yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Bantaeng dan sekitarnya untuk mengimplementasikan rasa syukur. 2) Proses pelaksanaan tradisi ziarah pada makam Syekh H. Muhammad Amir yaitu membakar lilin, menyiram minyak bau' ke batu nisan, mengirimkan doa kepada si mayit yang dipimpin oleh pinati mak…
Skripsi ini membahas relevansi ketersediaan koleksi perpustakaan dengan kebutuhan informasi pemustaka pada dinas perpustakaan umum kabupaten gowa . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketersediaan koleksi perpustakaan di dinas perpustakaan umum Gowa , untuk mengetahui kebutuhan informasi pemustaka di perpustakaan umum kabupaten Gowa serta seberapa relevansi antara ketersedian koleksi deng…
This study's main objective is to discuss beauty advertisements signs. This study aims to determine the types of signs in advertisements and the meaning conveyed by signs in Wardah and Makeover beauty advertisements. In analyzing the data, this study used a descriptive gualitative method. The researcher used two advertisements from Wardah and two advertisements from Makeover based on the year t…