Kamus ini memiliki enam ribu phrasal verbs, seribu contoh kalimat berbasis Cambridge International Corpus dilengkapi gambar, lembar kerja, penggunaan bahasa Inggris, penjelasan grammar, dan menunjukkan phrasal verbs yang penting untuk dipelajari.
based on findings and discussion in this thesis, the researcher found that the difficulties of students to use coordinate conjunction is classified fair. their diffuclties are mostly distinguishing kinds of conjunction, confuse of the explanation from the lecturer, do not have guide book, do not know to put coordinate conjunction between dependent and independent clause, difficulty to distingui…
the writer comes to hypothesis as follows: affixation process in english and banjarese can forms verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. in english and banjarese, the class maintaining derivation includes the addition of prefixes why the class changing derivations includes the addition of suffixes.
the findings of this thesis were illustrates the prefixes and suffixes process to form new words in both language English and Bimanese.
from analysis result, the writer get that there are differences and similarities of word class formation and affixes formation. the affixation analysis in english and mandarese verbs can made from nouns, verbs, adjectives, and numeral.
from analysis result, the writer found that there are differences and similarities of word class information and affixes informaton, the aaffixation analysis on buginese and english verb can form noun, adjective, verbs, and numeral.
Buku ini membahas mengenai dasar-dasar tata bahasa berbahsa Inggris.
Buku ini membahas mengenai dasar-dasar tata bahasa berbahasa Inggris.