This research focuses on the comparison of love on both novels Cantik itu Luka and Beloved. The research objective of this study is to describe how the love shows and comparing it. Descriptive gualitative method is used in this study. The data is analysed by using love theory of Robert J Stenberg and comparison theory of Wellek and Warren, the England linguist. The result shows that three compo…
Children will have different views or ways to response what they have read. Children may learn positive character traits from Islamic picture books by naturally copying other people and the language that their parents use. This research discusses about responses of children from different social class toward good word in Islamic picture book “Little Amin”. This research focuses on reader re…
This study focus on the representation of sexism towards women in the film On the Basis of Sex. The purpose of this research is to find out how representaion of sexism in the film and looking for signs and meaning. The researcher used semiotics theory by Roland Barthes, to analysis the meaning and sign in the film and to find elements of sexism. The method used in this research IS a gualitative…
This study discusses interference. The author discusses first language interference in speaking English for native Chinese speakers living in Makassar for a certain period of time. This is one aspect of bilingualism that occurs when someone learns English. In this case Chinese interference into English. This was chosen because native Chinese speakers often make mistakes in speaking English. The…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana strategi pengelolaan perpustakaan di SLB Harapan Bunda , adapun rumusan masalah pada skripsi ini adalah (1) Bagaimana strategi pengelolaan perpustakaan dalam meningkatkan Lifeskill peserta didik di Sekolah Luar Biasa Harapan Bunda Desa Mappedeceng Kecamatan Mappedeceng (2) Bagaimana pengembangan perpustakaan dalam memfasilitasi penguasaan Jifeskill peserta…
This research explored the representation of historical events in the “Valkyrie” movie by Bryan Singer. This research analyzed the historiographic metafiction traits that appeared in the movie by applied postmodernism theory by Linda Hutcheon. This research used gualitative descriptive method to examine how the movie represents historical events, constructs narratives, and engages with post…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana tradisi Appanai Anrong Ase Ri Boe pada masyarakat Barangmamase Kecamatan Galesong Selatan Kabupaten takalar. Ada pun sub masalah adalah bagaimana asal usul pelaksanaan tradisi Appanai Anrong Ase Ri Boe, bagaimana proses pelaksanaan tradisi Appanai Anrong Ase Ri Boe, bagaimana relasi Islam dan Tradisi Appanai Anrong Ase Ri Boe.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang tradisi upacara adat Mappogau Hanua di Kelurahan Samaenre di Kabupaten Sinjai. Adapun masalah dalam penelitian ini adalahs 1) Bagaimana eksistensi tradisi upacara adat mappogau hanua di Kelurahan Samaenre Kabupaten Sinjai? 2) bagaimana prosesi upacara adat mappogau hanua di Kelurahan Samacnre Kabupaten Sinjai? 3) Bagaimana nilai - nilai budaya Islam yang terkandung …
This research aims to determine the types of language styles used in Fiki Naki's YouTube videos by applying Martin Joos (1967) theory. Joos identified five types of language styles: frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate. The research methodology employed is descriptive gualitative method. The study identified instances of formal style, consultative style, and casual style in twenty…
Motivation is a crucial factor in the development of speaking skills for students, as it encourages them to pursue their goals. This research aimed to investigate the motivations that drive 15 fourth-semester students in the English and Literature department to develop their speaking skills and to understand how motivation affects students' abilities in developing speaking skills. Gardner and L…