This research discussed about meaning of emoticons in social media whatsapp group. The research aimed at know the meaning of emoticons on the whatsapp group. The objective of the research is to know meaning of emoticons interpreted by the senders in whatsapp group 2014 English and Literature Department and to know meaning of emoticon interpreted the whatsapp group members who respond to senders…
This research discussed about literature as a chatarsis medium which aimed to find out the way of literature became a medium on solving the morality decadence in Freedom Writers and Lady Bird movie.This research was conducted in order to give more knowledge about the function of literature as a solution for morality decadence problem or the other behavioral problem, in this case by writing and …
Literary theory is both renowned and feared for its difficulty. Literary theory is a field that begs for clarification, and it is for reason that I wrote this book. I had taught theory as theory for years when, around 1980, I decided for the first time to incorporate primary works of literature into my theory courses.
Yang menjadi pokok permasalahan dalam skripsi ini yaitu membahas tentang persepsi pemustaka terhadap layanan sirkulasi di perpustakaan universitas fajar makassar. adapun rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana persepsi pemudtaka terhadap layanan sirkulasi di perpustakaan universitas fajar makassar.
This research discusses errors of student speaking performance. It is one of english skills that the student have to master. The purpose of the study to find out errors of students speaking performance in therm of both accuracy and fluency. The data were analyzed using a descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used Thornbury's theory.
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pemenuhan kebutuhan kompetensi pemustaka di perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 enrekang. rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pemenuhan kompetensi pemustaka di SMA Negeri 2 enrekang dan apa kendala pustakawan dalam pemenuhan kompetensi pemustaka di SMA Negeri 2 enrekang
This research discussed about the need fulfillment of the main character of the Martian novel. This research aimed to show the main character's effort in fulfilling his need. The researcher focused on the needs viewed by hierarchy of human need theory by Abraham H. Maslow.
This research discussed about word formation of jargon. This research aimed to explain about word formation through the morphological process of jargon and to find out lexical and contextual meaning each jargon used on PC Game Subformin Kaskus. This researcher focused on Yule's, Katamba's and Plag's theory about word formation namely coinage, borrowing, clipping, acronym, abbreviation, compound…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh perpustakaan sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di sekolah menengah atas negeri 12 antang makassar. pokok masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh perpustakaan sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar siswa sekolah menengah atas negeri 12 antang makassar.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh tingkat oendidikan terhadap kinerja pustakawan di dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan provinsi sulawesi selatan dengan rumusan masalah bagaimana pengaruh tingkat pendidikan terhadap kinerja pustakawan di dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan provinsi sulawesi selatan.