This research discusses male and female expression in Maya Angelou and Pierre Alex Jeanty's selected poem "Don't Need That" and " Phenomenal Woman". This research aims to know the language expression of male and female in writing feminism literatur, especially in poems. This research focuses on gynocriticism theory introduced by Showalter.
This research was about heroic values which aimed to find on the main character in the movie of Inch Allah by Barbeau Levalette. This research applied descriptive qualitative method where the data were analyzed through Tmcalder theory about the heroic values. the researcher used note taking as instrument of the research.
This research was about language in Mandaresse which aimed to indentify the type of borrowing word Mandaresse language in Buginese langauge. This research based on types of borrowing include into load blend, load shift, and load word for every types of word. the data were analyzed through qualitative method. the researcher used Mandarese dictionary and Buginese dictionary which were lent by Pol…
skripsi ini membahas tentang peran DPK dalam melestarikan informasi khazanah budaya lokal provinsi sulawesi selatan. pokok masalah yang diteliti dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana peran DPK dalam melestarikan informasi
This research discussed about language style used in J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and The Cursed Child and the researcher focused on part 1, act 1, scene 1 until 9. The aims of this research were to find out the kinds of language style taht used by Albus in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child and to describethe social factors that influenced of language style. The researcher applied sociolinguistic…
This research was about the cultural words translation in movie subtitle which aimed to find out and classify the cultural words the contained in the subtitle and analyze the procedure of translating of the cultural words used by translator in the movie.
skripsi ini membahas tentang keterampilan sosial pustakawan dalam memahami perilaku pemustaka di perpustakaan universitas hasanuddin makassar. penelitian ini dilakukan di perpustakaan universita hasanuddin makassr. pokok permasalahan skripsi ini adalah bagaimana keterampilan sosial pustakawan dalam memahami perilaku pemustaka dan kendala pustakawan dalam memahami perilaku pemustaka.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang peran repositori untuk menunjang peningkatan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah mahasiswa UIN alauddin Makassar. rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu tentang bagaimana peran dari repositori sebagai wadah informasi dan sumber referensi untuk menunjang peningkatan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah mahasiswa universitas islam negeri alauddin makassar? serta bagaimana dampak tulis…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang efektivitas sanksi adminitratif keterlambatan pengembalian bahan pustaka terhadap kedisiplinan pemustaka di perpustakaan MAN 2 kota makassar. rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah berapa besar tingkat kedisiplinan pemustaka dengan adanya sanksi administratif keterlambata pengembalian bahan pustaka di MAN 2 kota makassar.
The epic story of big dan huggins who rose from grinding proverty in the hills of west virginia to lead america's biggest labour union. a childhood scareed by brutality and injustice, the hungry years and the bitter strikes.