skripsi ini membahas tentang penerapan inlislite dalam meningkatkan laynan perpustakaan pada dinas perpustakaan pada dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan daerah kabupaten sinjai. rumusan masalha penelitian ini yaitu pertama bagaimana peran perpustakaan dalam meningkatkan kinerja pustakawan pada dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan daerah? kedua bagaimana penerpan inlislite dalam meningkatkan layanan pe…
This research discussed about strategy which aimed to find out the strategy that characters expressed in the Martin's novel "A Dance with Dragons" and this research was conducted in order to show the apology strategy within the novel. This research based on Trosborg's theory about apology strategy.
This research was about Maroon 5's Selected Songs which aimed to find out the types of lexical meaning and contextual meaning on that songs. This research based on the types of lexical meaning and contextual meaning on songs. The researcher applied Lyons theory about contextual meaning and Saeed's theory about lexical menaning.
This research examines speech act of President Donald Trump's 2017 speech to the Muslim Word in Saudi Arabia. The main objective of this study is to find out the types of illocutinary act in the speech made by President Donald Trump to the muslim world in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. This research focuses on Jhon Searle theory about speech act.
This thesis is the research about mental bullying in Danielle's Steel novel "Big Girl" by using theory of bullying by Allan Beane. The objectives of this research are to describe the kinds of mental bullying are experienced by Victoria in the novel Big Girl and to describe the impacts of mental bullying are experienced by Victoria in the novel Big Girl.
This research was about the hermeneutics meaning which aimed to desribe about the hermeneutics meaning of Robet Frost's selected poems. This research used theory hermeneutics. The researcher used note taking as an instrument to get the valid data and analyzed by Gadamer theory.
This research was about syntactical errors in writing which was produced by the third semester students of English and Literature Department of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. This research based on the surface strategy taxonomy theory by Dulay, Burt and Karshen.
The research discussed about Response picture book by Margery Cuyler "Tick tock clok" design picture by Robert Neubecker, This research focused on students response in picture. The research focused on the response of students in picture book "Tick tock clock" using by the theory of Beach and Marshall's about response strategis (1991:28).
Penelitian ini adalah suatu studi tentang peranan seorang tokoh dengan judul, peranan raja faisal bin abdul aziz dalam membela kedaulatan wilayah palestina (1930-1975). raja faisal adalah seorang pimpinan dari negara saudi arabia yang telah melakukan berbagai usaha dalam membebaskan negeri palestina dari pendudukan kaum yahudi. penelitian ini adalah penelitian sejarah dengan menggunakan metode …
This research discussed about illuminati symbols in the "star wars" the force awaken movie was directed by J.J. Abrams and the script was written by Lawrence Kasdan which aimed to describe the usage of that symbol in the movie. The researcher focused on Pierce's theory about symbols of the semiotics triangle such as representament, object, interpretant and Marrs's theory about object of the ill…