Dalam skripsi ini, penulis merumuskan satu masalah pokok yaitu hubungaan antara gambar dan proses mengkonstruksikan pesan dalam tulisan. Symbol dan maksud dalam tulisan iklan komersial. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriftip kuantitatif. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara gambar dan konstruksi pesan tulisan gambar tersebut yaitu ada tiga: 1. Tulisan dalam gambar…
The main of this story "the happy prince that is on our life today will not same with another the story which we talk about it and there will be no one people at all that can help other with sincere without see the person and what background from one who will be helped selfless.
writer finds out those good and bad moralities in each main character. the character shows their certain and specific attitudes, personalities, behaviors which effect every action their prform.
the findings of this study reveal that the transitive verb in english consists of two objects can be describe as follows: namely one object or two object. the differences of verb in english and bugis, in english there are forms of verb one, verb two, andf verv three. but in bugis there are nit dufferences between verb one, verbn two, and verb three.
based on the findings and discussion, the researcher finds five major characters. they are Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Three witches, Banquo, and Macduff. the researcher also concludes that there are several moral values that can be applied in our daily life, of the moral values are ambition in a wrong way can causes negative impact, don't be easily influenced by someone's saying although she or he …
the aims of this thesis is to find out the code and kinds of semiotic code those are dominant in Angels and Demons novel. the researcher finds five codes in the novel, hermeneutic, semic, symbolic, proairetic and Gnoic code. ther researcher also includes that Gnonic code is the code with little appearances in the novel and symbolic code is the highest code that always comes in the novel angels …