This research discusses the palestinian dream in "children of war" song lyric by abdullah rolle and "Athouna Tufuli" by remi bandali and aims to explore the types of meaning of "Children of war" by abdullah rolle" and "Athouna Tufuli" by remi bandali song lyric and to anlyze the adult comprehension about the lyric both of the songs.
The aims of this thesis is to know how the development of language learning in English, especially the sound system problems and constraints faced in the process of mastering English and buginese language.
the writer concluded that I am Nujood, age 10 and divorced is one of autobiography which use "I" refers to Nujood ali as main character or internal focalizer. based on the findings, the writer found internal focalization dominated in autobiography in the novel then author presented internal focalization of this autobiography. because the thoughts or feelings are attributed to a character inside…
This research ams to analyze the interpersoanl meanings expressed in Kim Namjoon's speech through realization of mood and modality. the analysisi used the theory of concerning about the meaning proposed by halliday.
This study focuses on the linguistic landscape in the shopping centers in makassar. the objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the kinds of linguistic lanscape found in the shopping centers in makassar (bottom-up and top-down), 2) to see frequency of english use in those linguistic lanscape, and 3) to find out the motives of using english in the food court area.
This reserarch discusses the intertextuality in kurt vonnegut's short story harrison bergeron and scott westerfeld's novel uglies and aims to describe the horizontal and vertical axis in the short story and the novel.
the readers' response in literature is very important. they have to not only enjoy it but also criticize it. yet, criticizing a literary works is not easy. it should apply literary criticism. in this research, the writer applied a literary criticism toward literary works.
Buku ini berisi tentang biografi syeikh yusuf seorang tokoh pejuang islam abad ke 17 yang berasal dari sulawesi selatan. buku ini juga menjelaskan kealiman, kesufian, kepahlawanan, serta ajaran yang dibawa oleh syeikh yusuf tuanta salamaka
Jas Merah! (jangan sekali-kali melupakan sejarah!) begitulah kata Ir. Soekarno, presiden RI pertama. begitu pentingnya sejarah hingga semua hal memiliki sejarahnya sendiri-sendiri. namun, tak jarang sejarah diputarbalikkan, dan bahakan pembaca pun bingung dan tidak tahu mana sebenarnya yang benar karena banyaknya sumber yang berbeda-beda . buku ini mengenalkan tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi …
kisah-kisah penuh kearifan di dalam buku ini sangatlah menarik dan tidak membosankan. melalui kisah hewa-hewan, di dalamnya bisa kita temui kandungan nilai moral dan pendidikan. sehingga, sangat menginspirasi dan bisa dijadikan bahan renungan setiap hari. bahkan, sindiran dan kritik sosial yang disampaikan melalui isi cerita sangatlah halus dan begitu segar. pun, sungguh unik kisah di salam buk…