In fact, there are a lot islamic countries with Muslims as a majority people in it, such as saudi Arabia, Turkey,India (before india splite into Pakistan) and Indonesia
In concllusion, islamic cultural transformation in south sulawesi had given a positive impact to the progress of education, economic and local wisdom
Edisi Adabiyah kali ini membahas tentang pendekatan, pengenalan, dan penerjemahan teks-teks Arab, kaligrafi Arab, spesifikasi Arab, dan sejarah peradaban Islam
The loses of Ali not only because the dismissal of him as caliph, but there are a lot loses that Ali caliph got, like some of his followers retreated and of out of Ali's line, because they disagree with the tahkim which was originated from the habit of jahiliyah. those who came out had known as the Khawarij who always opposed Ali and Muawiyah.
Alhikmah ini berkaitan tentang fenomena keadilan sosial di tanah air ditinjau dari perspektif hadits, keadaan darurat dan hukum Islam yang boleh jadi ada kaitannya dengan kondisi sosial di Aceh dan persoalan kalender Hijiriah.
Jurnal ini beriri pemikiran para pakar dari manca negara yang menjelaskan pokok pikirannya tentang perbedaan agama, warna kulit, dan etnis.
Studi Bahasa Arab di tingkat perguruan tinggi agama Islam menjadi sebuah keharusan. Sebagai alat komunikasi, bahada Arab dapat ditunjang oleh metode-metode dan strategi yang tepat.
Fertile area will createba termendous culture, namely local wisdom. Local wisdom in a society could influenced by islamic value. it happened, since islam had becomed a majority that influenced every people in our society. further, indonesian had a local wisdom than it was combined with islam, especially islamic value. it made a culture has islamic value.
Karya ini merupakan kajian terhadap perubahan paradigma yang terjadi dalam sains, yaitu dari paradigma sains dikotomistik ke paradigma sains Islam holistik