this research used contentanalysis method. the source of data were from folktales of king vikramaditya (India), Visu the woodsmanand old priest (Japan), Makatho (Myanmar), The Golden cucumber (Indonesia) and lazy boy (Korea).
Hasil dari penelitia ini menunjukkan bahwa rangkap jabatan pengelola perpustakaan SMP Negeri 2 Panca Lautang berada pada nilai 351 yang berada dalam kelas interval 192-384, yakni pada kategori sangat tidak efektif dan tidak efektif tetapi lebih mendekati kategori tidak efektif. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa efektivitas rangkap jabatan di Perpustakaan SMP Negeri 2 Panca Lautang tidak efektif atau…
the researcher fount out there were two part of semiotics theory fount in the Novel the Queen at war's " by K.A S Quinn there are signifier and signified"
the writer foud two kinds of translation, they are semantic translation and comunicative translation, while for the kinds of slang language the writer foud jargon, argot, and colloquial. therefore, the writer concluded that in 22 jump street movie the souce language (LS) and the target language (TL) is not equivalence.
this research is aboute Steve McQueen Slavery in the movie 12 Year a Slave".The aims of this research are to describe the types of slavery in the movie " 12 Year a Slave" by Steve McQueen " 12 Year a Slave". the writer used descriptive the method and sosiological approach in descibing the types of slavery and the resepsentation of idelogy. the writer used not talking as instrument. the finding…
this research is about kalindaqdaq in sayyang pattuqduq tradition in mandar that have moral value inside in kalindaqdaq, the tradition have to be kept in society in indonesia generally and in west sulawesi specially, and can be introduced in other country
inthis research, the reseacher found seventh decorum taboos from traditional customs events: mappadendang, mappatettong bola, makkarawa bola and maccera bola and four decorum taboos from housing construction: door and kitchen
The researcher concluded that most Onomatopoeia words that applied in The Flash Comic is Direct Onomatopoeia and there are only two Associatif Onomatopoeia that applied in The Flash Comic.
Hasil dari penelitian tentang hubungan musik instrumen dengan kenyamanan membaca di peprustakaan STIKES Mega Rezky Makassar menyatakan ada hubungan signifikan dari kedua variabel tersebu dan telah diketahui bahwa hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan rumus korelasi PPM yaitu 0.745, maka hubungan musik instrumen di perpustakaan STIKES Mega Rezky Makassar masuk dalam katgori kuat.
the writer concluded that the ways of the child acquiring from game the listening music or watching TV