Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pentingnya grafologi dalam karya sastra khususnya dalam bentuk tulisan. Grafôlogi mengacu pada pengkodean makna, dalam simbol-simbol visual. Dengan kata lain, grafologi membahas mengenal penggunaan bahasa melalui symbol-simbol tertulis termasuk makna konotasj dari suatu kata. Puisi sebagai salah satu bentuk kas-ya sastra, khususnya puisi modern, tela…
Tuilsan ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang sikap anak-anak di Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) terhadap pemanfaatan nyanyian, permanan, dan kisah-Iìsah yang berbahasa Inggrìs dalam mengenalkan bahasa lnggris di TK Aísyiyah Makassar. Hasil peneiitian rnenunjukkan bahwa anak-anak telah menunjukkan antusiasme tinggi dan pernbeiajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris dan bangga untuk dapat bernyanyi dan menhit…
Datam dunia sastra, kritik adalah sesuatu hal yang sama pentingnya dengan karya sastra itu sendiri. Kritik adalah suatu proses memberikan penilalan terhadap suatu karya baik itu fiksi maupua non-fiksi, Terkadang kritik disalah artikan sebagai suatu hal yang berkaitan dengan penilaian negative terhadap suatu karva, tapi sebenamya tidak. Kritik justru dapat menggali keunggulan dan suatu karya, ta…
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
It is undoubted that technological advancement has been dealing ith human necessity and influencing their life style, either in business, education, social, cultural, library. Etc that force them to follow the rhythm of technological progress. Libaray one of educational supporting element closely deals with the technology. Therefore, librarians must be professional in doing their duty in line w…
This writing tries to explore the deep meaning of rabb in al Quran. The result of research found out that term of rabb in al-Quran has three meanings, namely the all creating, the all possesing, and the all arranging. It means that the term rabb refers to the substantial attribute of God. The human being’s acknowledgment of the God’s existence brings about the God consciousness that there i…
Arabic language has significant roles in developing science. In the time of Umayyah and Abbasiyah Dynasty, Arabic had been used as means to translate some scientific books of Greek Philosophy. It resulted in the change of moslem thought. The huge translation motivated some experts to develop their skill and knowledge. Through this language, people can understand the development of science. Not …
Historians must be able to read critically all historical phenomena. The historical facts can actually be dig by exploring the data supporting the research as well as by conducting interview to obtain the data. When someone wants to fmd the data, the supporting instruments must be provide, such as vedeo, tape racorder, note-taldng, etc. These intruments can help the researcher find the objectiv…
The histoy of Islamic spreading in South Sulawesj in 16-17 th century was determined by four factors, namely ; king, merchant, culture and ulama preachers). From the four aspects, king was the dominant factor to influence the others. However, social communications resulted by moslem merchants also brought about the mutual understanding, so they (merchants) together with the religion (Islam) the…