Arabic language as a language used in aI-Qur’an has wide meaning and various language expressions that enable some experts of Islamic law different in understanding the texts. Thus, it brings about the difference in determining the law. It is due to the ambiguitive texts existing ¡n aI-Qur’an. The ambiguity is caused by singular words, or singular words wichgrammatically has different char…
The islaniization in Tunisia applied Maliki School, a sect that has existed in 8th century. Anyhow, most of ulama also adhered Asy’arìyah theology and eternalize religious tradition such Maulid ceremony, reciting sufistic rites However, the Islamic progress in this country decreased following the political waves happening in Tunisia, notebly in Franch colony. Under the Franch protection, the…
Islamic law has many aspects. One of them is the philosophy and secrets of Islamic law (hikmahaí-syari’ah or asrararahkarn). Not all secrets are known by Moslems, because al Quran as its primer source does not show its meaning clearly and totally, but it maybe found by observation. Thus, if Itssecret is not known at present but it will be known later along with human progress which is suppor…
Speaking skill is one of four language skills include listening, reading, and writing. Speaking is very important for the existence of socio and culture. Brainstorming is one of methods that is used to arrange idea by revealing many ideas from the topic gïven. it is also used both before speaking or at the time of speaking. Brainstorming method can be done in group or individual. If it is ìn …
In general, Islam and Malay community has been long integrated that has brought about the Islamic values in all aspects of life. This is due to the Malay background has been dominated by Islamic kingdom (sultanate) and Islam organizations had established the Islamic identity and opinion that obliged them to createIbuild moslem society pioneered by intellectuals, preacers, beurocrats, politician…
Buku ini berisi mengenai katalogisasi bahan non buku, seperti bahan multimedia dan manuskrip (naskah asli).
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah peradaban islam indonesia yang didalamnya berisi tentang masuknya islam ke indonesia, perkembangan politik islam indonesia, perkembangan seni budaya islam indonesia, "Islam diindonesia merupakan salah satu dari tujuh cabang peradaban islam didunia setelah peradaban islam arab, islam persi, islam turki, islam afrika hitam, islam anak benua india, dan islam cina".
Pangngadereng (adat) dan syari 'at Islam berintegrasi sejak datangnya agama Islam. Syari'at Islam memperkokoh asasrnpangngadereng orang Bugis-Makassar dan pangngadereng disemangatı sepenuhnya oleh syari 'at Islam, sehingga unsur pangngadereng yang empat menjadı' lima dengan sara' ke dalamnya.