The histoy of Islamic spreading in South Sulawesj in 16-17 th century was determined by four factors, namely ; king, merchant, culture and ulama preachers). From the four aspects, king was the dominant factor to influence the others. However, social communications resulted by moslem merchants also brought about the mutual understanding, so they (merchants) together with the religion (Islam) the…
Tulisan ini mencoba melihat bentuk-bentuk alih kode yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa program S.3 dan universftas Hasanuddini Makassar yang berjumlah 14 orang, berasal dan berbagai disiplin ilmu yang berbeda yang mengikuti program Sandwich di Universitas Griffith-Brisbane Australia selama tiga bulan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa alih kode berfungsi sebagai strategi berkomunikasi, apabila pembicara tida…
Umar lbnu Farid (w. 632 H.) dikenal dengan nama Ibnu Farid bukan hanya dikenal sebagai seorang sufi besar tetapi ¡a dikenal juga sebagai seorang penyair, khususnya syair-syair yang berisikan cinta kepada Allah, karya syair-syairnya banyak disyarah (dikomentari) ulama-ulama sesudahnya seperti syekh Abdul Gani al Nablus, syekh Yusuf al-Nabhan dan sebagainya. Ibnu Khalkan mengatakan : karya syair…
Al-Qur’an is Allah’s words revealed down to Muhammad saw to be spread to all merikind wherever they live. Whereas hadis ¡s words uttered by Prophet. A1-Qur’an and hadis have a position as the main source of Islamic lawljurisprudence. Al Quran constitute the first source, meanwhile hadis becomes the scound source. Hadis functions to explain qur’anic contents. Its explanation consist of …
Classical theology of Islam spread broadly to Islamic community in wider context. The concept of faith, believer, unbeliever, heaven and hell as the main themes of classical theology have undergone the changes of substantial meaning. The current theology not only discuss the above theme as, but also focuse on how to harmonize the relation between religions. There has been the sustainity and con…
Muawiyyah became one of Islam rulers muchly determined by his capability and supporting moments. He was a smart politician who was able to manage military and political strategy. Beside that, the crucial moment at that time enabled him to take over the reign. Not only did he politically win the arbitrase (reconciliation between Muawiyah and Ah that was mediated by Amr bin Ash and Abu Musa al-As…
The progress of Arabic literature in Umayyah Dynasty period increased more than previous time. It is due to some poets had good creativity to make their poems which were inspired by political atmosphere. The rulers also had good appreciation to the poets who skillfully composed their poems. Some awards were given to those who were able to compose such creativity. Therefore, some composers were …
Abdurrahman Wahid, as stated by Greg Berton was a new modern thinker of modern Islam who pionered the Islamic movement based on cultural genuine. He who was popularly called Gusdur has ever become the president of Indonesia and abolished a number of racial desrcimination. According to him, Islam highly appreciates the difference among human being, as a part of sunnatullah. In his opinion, two s…
The relation between religion and state according to Islam can be classified into three categories; Integrity, that is a concept which views that state and religion are two integrated institution which can be hand and hand organizing a political state. Secularism, a concept which describes that religion only organizes its own internal rules (relation between followers and God) without being int…
Âisyah ‘Abd. Al-Rahmân Bint al-Syâthi’ (1.1913 M) was an Egyptian modern moslem thinker. She was a professor in langustics and Arabic literature as well as quranic studies. One of her works is al-Ta fsîr aI-Bayâniy li aÍ-Qu,-’ân al-Karîm”. This work was done as a response to the real condition of tafsir which merely focused on traditional interpretation. Bird al-Syati tried to i…