Pangngadereng (adat) dan syari 'at Islam berintegrasi sejak datangnya agama Islam. Syari'at Islam memperkokoh asasrnpangngadereng orang Bugis-Makassar dan pangngadereng disemangatı sepenuhnya oleh syari 'at Islam, sehingga unsur pangngadereng yang empat menjadı' lima dengan sara' ke dalamnya.
Untuk menegakkan syari 'at Islam, maka diperlukan penyebarluasan semangat kesadaran, penyusunan konsep, dan pengaturan langkah-langkah yang tepat dan sistematis.
Nabi saw. memíliki otoritas pertama dan utama dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat Alquran. Namun demikian, tidak berarti bahwa semua ayat Alquran apalagi lafal per Zqfal telcıh mendapatkan penjelasan secara rinci.
Napoleon adalah orang pertama yang memperkenalkan kepada orarig Mesir mesin cetak bahasa Arab yang dibawa langsung dari Prancis bersamaan dengari ekspedisinya ke Mesir Peristiwa ini telah mengilhami munculnya bebefapa gerakan pembaharuan dalam berbagai bidang termasuk bidang sastra.
Muslims are obliged to do pilgrimage. This grand assembly not only infuses in them a spirit of joint cooperation and unity but also characterizes them as the members of one nation, one race and one family. The Haji is required to be the quintessence of virtue, peace, self-control and self-sacrifice during the Haji days. He must eschew querrellíng with and troubling others and even killing a a…
There are amount of linguistic terms utilized in al-Quran. One of the is kana and its derivation. This world has various fuction and meaning based on where it is placed or positioned. Kana can be used as therncompletion of ayat that actually has no meaning, but it determines the pattem of ayat, and sometime it has substantial meaning that determines the position of time Where ayat was revealed …
This article discusses about the character building in utizing laníıage according to Islam. The language sometimes ecomes source of conflict because it is social image. Therefore, to minimize root of thernconflicts, the cross-culture dialogue should be conducted in order that people can understand one another. Ideally, character building starts from institutions of education, including househ…
This journal díscusscs about the defınition of teacher's professionalism and the teaching, the terms of a professional teacher, the teacher's performance, the ten qualities of the good teacher, the six of successful teacher's characters, the unfortunate teacher's character,the ten of teacher°s mistakes,the problem or difficulty of the teacher in learning.
This writing explrores the term hawa and its meaning in al-Quran. This term is found as many as 36 times in various meanings and functions. It sometimes means a desire refering to kindness, sometimes to badness, empity and so foıth. Generally ulama interprites hawa as therninclination to love Worldly life. Human being Who is always busy with wordly life and ignores even forgets God has regarde…
Hukuman dalam islam tidak bersıfat balas dendam, tetapı untuk melakukan perbaikan terhadap pelaku pidana. Hukuman disyaríatkan sebagaí rahmat Allah bagı hambanya dan kehendaknya untuk melakukan yang terbaik bagi hambanya