Buku ini membahas mengenai kebahagiaan dalam mengarungi kehidupan, antara lain bagaimana menyelamatkan fitrah seseorang; dan berarti peran keluarga dituntut mendalami keilmuan maupun keteladanan, sekaligus diharapkan mampu mengembangkan potensinya, baik melalui pendidikan formal, non formal, informal termasuk didalamnya terkandung ajaran agamanya.
The thesis will analyze the role of Shi'i religous symbols employed in the Iranian revolution of 1979. During the revolution, the Shi'i symbolic structure of the Karbala paradigm or the symbols of Karbala and of Husayn's martyrdom were extensively employed to mobilize the masses. Regarded as the Imam and as the symbol of the revolution, Khumayni extensively utilized such religous symbols in ord…
Disertasi ini menunjukkan bahwa K. H. Muhammad Zaini Abdul Gani adalah seorang ulama karismatik. Dia memiliki sejumlah kelebihan yang merupakan pemberian Tuhan. Seorang yang dikaruniai sifat adikodrati, adimanusiawi, serta mempunyai kualitas kepribadian yang luar biasa. Di samping sebagai pimpinan pengajian Sekumpul Martapura, sebagai guru tarikat Sammaniyyah, dia juga memiliki peran yang sanga…
Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa konsep khilafah menurut Hizbut Tahrir dari sistem struktur pemerintahan dan bentuk pemerintahan menyamai dengan apa yang dilakukan pada masa Nabi dan Khulafa al-Rasyidin, hanya saja karakteristik dari khilafah itu yang membedakannya. Konsep khilafah yang dikonstruksi dari masa Nabi dan Khulafa al-Rasyidin dapat menjadi solusi dan kontribusi kepada pemerintah, khusus…
The ulama in Madura are in an inseparable part of the local social structure. Their strategic position has given them an excellent opportunity to exercise a leaderhip role in the local context. The ulama's niche in the social order of the village and the forces that participate in the process of change can be seen through a study of village religion in a historical context. More specifically, t…
This thesis studies the attitudes of the religous scholars associated with the dayah, the traditional institution of religous learning in Aceh, Indonesia, towards issues of the modernization of Islamic law. In the history of Islamic society in Aceh, these scholars, the ulama'dayah, have shown great initiative in guiding their society as it sought solutions to various problems. Their response wa…
Besides providing a biographical sketch of Bint al-Shati', this thesis analyzes her intellectual growth and provides the necessary information about her works relating to Qur'anic studies. The study also surveys al-Khulli's method of Qur'anic exegesis and Bint al-Shati's attempts to apply it to her own works. Our analyis focuses on her works on Qur'anic studies such as al-tafsir al-bayani li al…
This thesis deals with the history of the Acehnese Islamic empire, focusing on the events leading up to its decline in both its internal stability and its hegemony in the surrounding refions in the second half of the seventeenth century. During the given period (1641-1699) the empire was ruled successively by four female rulers. The thesis deals with the political and economic developments in t…
This thesis studies in a comparative framework the impact of colonial experience of the religous and social thought of two modernists, Ahmad Khan of India and Ahmad Hassan of Indonesia. At the religous level, both modernists were much concerned with the purification of Islam. They called upon the Muslims to return to the Qur'an and hadith, abandon taqlid and to undertake ijtihad. Ahmad Hassan, …
This study discusses the establishment of Persatuan Ulama Seluruh Aceh (All Aceh Ulama Association) by a few forward-looking Acehnese ulama's and the role that this organization played in educational reforms in Aceh. The educational reforms are discussed in two ways: 1. The actual change in the educational system of the madrasa, and the establishment of a teacher's training school Normal Islam…