دورقس بن ساعدة الايادي في العصر الجاهلي انه خطيب العرب الى عبادة الخالق, حكيم وحاكم العرب في العصر الجاهلي, شاعرالعرب في العصر الجا هلي
كانت القيم الد ينية الاساسية تتكون على ثلاثة قيم, يعنى عقيدية, عبودية, واخلاقية, وقدتوفرت القيم الدنية الثلاثة في خطب ابى بكر الصديق, القيم العقيدية, والقيم العبودية, والقيم الاءخلاقية
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
The histoy of Islamic spreading in South Sulawesj in 16-17 th century was determined by four factors, namely ; king, merchant, culture and ulama preachers). From the four aspects, king was the dominant factor to influence the others. However, social communications resulted by moslem merchants also brought about the mutual understanding, so they (merchants) together with the religion (Islam) the…
Umar lbnu Farid (w. 632 H.) dikenal dengan nama Ibnu Farid bukan hanya dikenal sebagai seorang sufi besar tetapi ¡a dikenal juga sebagai seorang penyair, khususnya syair-syair yang berisikan cinta kepada Allah, karya syair-syairnya banyak disyarah (dikomentari) ulama-ulama sesudahnya seperti syekh Abdul Gani al Nablus, syekh Yusuf al-Nabhan dan sebagainya. Ibnu Khalkan mengatakan : karya syair…
Abdurrahman Wahid, as stated by Greg Berton was a new modern thinker of modern Islam who pionered the Islamic movement based on cultural genuine. He who was popularly called Gusdur has ever become the president of Indonesia and abolished a number of racial desrcimination. According to him, Islam highly appreciates the difference among human being, as a part of sunnatullah. In his opinion, two s…
Arabic language as a language used in aI-Qur’an has wide meaning and various language expressions that enable some experts of Islamic law different in understanding the texts. Thus, it brings about the difference in determining the law. It is due to the ambiguitive texts existing ¡n aI-Qur’an. The ambiguity is caused by singular words, or singular words wichgrammatically has different char…
The islaniization in Tunisia applied Maliki School, a sect that has existed in 8th century. Anyhow, most of ulama also adhered Asy’arìyah theology and eternalize religious tradition such Maulid ceremony, reciting sufistic rites However, the Islamic progress in this country decreased following the political waves happening in Tunisia, notebly in Franch colony. Under the Franch protection, the…
Islamic law has many aspects. One of them is the philosophy and secrets of Islamic law (hikmahaí-syari’ah or asrararahkarn). Not all secrets are known by Moslems, because al Quran as its primer source does not show its meaning clearly and totally, but it maybe found by observation. Thus, if Itssecret is not known at present but it will be known later along with human progress which is suppor…