This research discussed about Different Language between Male and Female at KFC which aimed to find out the different language between male and female in KFC Citraland. This research focused on Bloom and Lahey’s theory (1978) in Sociolinguistic Wardhaugh’s book about the different conversation. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative method used note taking to analyzed the langu…
إن هذه الرسالة تبحث عن استعمال حروف العطف ىف سورة األنعام. ىف تنظيم هذه الرسالة يقوم الباحث ىف اإلطالع على سورة األنعام اطالعا مكررا و يقرأها قرا ة حىت يستطيع الباحث أن يبحث و خيرج املسائل املتعلقة هبذه الرسالة عن استع…
this research discusses the language functions and aims to find out the kinds of language functions exspressed in the "promises after drak" novel (2013) by sadie matthews.
The title of the thesis is sarcasm in writing comments on news ''Australian senator caused outrage when she wore burga in bid to ban them NBC News'' ( 17 Augustus 2017).
This research discusses male and female expression in maya angelou and pierre alex jeanty's selected poem ''Don't Need That'' and ''phenomenal woman''
This research discussed about the intertextuality in Kurt Vonnegut’s short story Harrison Bergeron and Scott Westerfeld’s novel Uglies, which aimed to describe the horizontal and vertical axis in the short story and the novel. This research focused on the horizontal and vertical axis based on Julia Kristeva’s theory of intertextuality. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitat…
this research discusses romanticism in veronica roth"s novel "insurgent". this research aims to know characteristics of romanticism of "insurgent".
The research was based on the influence of people habitus in made some works. Habitus is a characteristic, attitude, or act of people in present time that from what they have seen, heard or they did in the past time. The idea of writing a novel not only pure from the writer imagination but also got influenced from habitus of the writer. The research intended to show capital, class, and fiel…
تبحث هذه الرسالة عن الفرزدق وخصائص شعره ، فتحتوى على ثالث مشكالت رئيسية، منها: سرية احلياة الفرزدق ، أحوال العرب يف حياة الفرزدق ، و خصائص شعره. تلك املشكالت، فقد استخدم الباحث بالطريقة املكتبية، وذلك ىف مرحلة مجع ام…
تبحث ىذه الرسالة ىف يوسف القرضاكل كأشعاره، فتحتول على ثالث مشكالت رئيسية، األداب ينقسم إىل القسمُت مها النثر كالشعر، الشعر ىف اللغة العلم، كىف االصطالح ىو الكالـ ادلوزكف قصدا بوزف عريب. فقد استخدمت الباحثة بالطريقة …