تتحدث ىذه الرسالة عن حياة شوقي ضيف آراءه ومناىجو النحوية يف كتابو "تيسري النحو التعليمي قدميا وحديثا مع هنج جتديده". حتتوى ىذه الرسالة على ثالث مشكالت: أوال:كيف سرية حياة شوقي ضيف؟ اثنيا: ما آراء شوقي ضيف يف كتابو تيسري…
This research aims to analyze the motives of main character in the movie Pearl. The purpose of this research is to describe motives of the main character become a psychopath. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method using the theories of Sigmund Freud about Personality Structure. The data were taken from Pearl movie by using note taking as the research instrument. The result of t…
This research is aimed at finding out the types and the functions of Code Switching used by the characters in Layangan Putus Drama. This research uses the qualitative descriptive method to analyze and determine the utterance of the drama to include in the types and the function. The result of this research indicates that there are 78 utterance data of code-switching used by the characters. …
The aims of this research is to identify the types of satire which are being satirized in Jojo Rabbit movie. The researcher applied the theory of satire from M.H. Abrams in order to analyze the types of satire in the movie. This study applied qualitative descriptive research because the researcher interpreted the movie in order to answer the research questions. The data are the script of th…
ال شك يف أن اللغة العربية هي لغة القر آن ولغة احلديث، وال خيفى علينا أن العربية هي مفتاح العلوم الدينية، وقد ثبت أن اللغة العربية هي لغة القرآن الكرمي كما ىف قول اهلل تعاىل: "إنا أنزلناه قرآنا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون"(القرآن:…
This research is aimed to analyze the existential needs in the novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy. The objectives of the research is to find out the kinds of existential needs that affect the main character of novel. The researcher uses Erich Fromm’s existential needs theory. The result of the research revealed there are four kinds of existential needs that affect the…
في هذا البحث يقدم الباحث بحثا يتعلق بتطور اللغة، فيجد أن في اللغة العربية المفردات. ومن أنواع تطور المفردات هي التطور في المعنى، وهو فرع من علوم الدلالة. تتطور مع تطور الزمان و فكرة الإنسان الذي يستعملها، وكل اللغة ستت…
Childhood as a time is so fun and bursting of memories for most people. This period is often used as a reference for nostalgia. The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams narrate Dennis life with the past memory of his mother. This research discusses nostalgic character in the Boy in the Dress which aimed to find out the nostalgia of the main character and the nostalgia affect of the projection…
This study aimed to describe the types of expressive speech acts and the function of using types of expressive speech acts used by the host and the guests in Celebrity Family Feud Season 4. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The Researcher found that there are 6 types of expressive speech acts use by the host and the guests in Celebrity Family Feud Season 4. First, the expre…
تبحث ىذه الرسالة عن الصور النسائية يف رواية “Bertasbih Cinta Ketika” "عندما يسبح احلب" فتحتوى على مشكلتني رئيسية، و ىي كلهما تتعلق بالصور تلك ّ النسائية يف الرواية منها5 اذليكل ادلوجود يف الرواية، أشكال و صور يف الرواية، وحلل …