The aim of this research were to find out translation strategies and eqyivalence degrees of idiom in wednesday serial movies. the finding showed that there are three strategies that translator used, they were using a simillar meaning but dissimilar form and translation by paraphrase. the strategy that the most used by translator is translator ny oparaprhase with a total sixteen idioms out pf th…
Kamus ini berisi idiom-idiom bahasa Inggris yang sering dipergunakan. Setiap istilah idiom yang ada di kamus ini disertai juga dengan contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris beserta dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.
by seeing the result contained in this thesis, it can be concluded that the ability of students' in using idiomatic expression of phrases (16.78), clauses (18.91), sentences (21.04). the students' ability in using idiomatic expression in fifth semester of english and literature department of UIN Alauddin Makassar was classified as poor ability. it was proved by mean score 56.61 of the administe…