Paralinguistic features refer to non-verbal communication which can be seen from the non-vocal aspect and vocal aspect. The purpose of this research is to find out what are the paralinguistic features performed by the English Lecturer in the (EFL) Classroom and to investigate what is the students’ perception toward the English lecturer’s paralinguistic features in the classroom of seco…
this study investigates the sspeech style of negative speaker literaturer, the research used qualitative description analysis. the research observed in native speaker lecture in speakin class during five meetin. the research has not found intimate style in lenguae style of native speaker lecture in classroom activites in every meeting.
Tulisan ini mencob amelihat proses pembelajaran bahasa lnggris di dalam ruangan kelas dengan menggunakan alihkode, (code switching) ataucampur code (Code mixing). Kedua istilah ini merupakan gelajah bahasa yang terjadi dalam process berinteraksi dalam ruangari kelas. Code switching dan code mixing mempunyai peranan sangat strategis dalam berkomunikasi. Fungsi utamanya untuk memperjelas makna se…
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