Buku ini berisi tentang panduan membuat aplikasi web sistem informasi perpustakaan berbasi PHP-MYSQL dengan Dreamweaver yang pembahasannya mencakup manajemen data penerbit, manajemen data kategori, manajemen buku, manajemen data siswa, manajemen data user, manajemen data pengadaan, transaksi peminjaman buku, transaksi pengembaliann serta dilengkapi dengan laporan dan cetak data
Representing the lives of immigrants in achieving their dreams in a multicultural society in Sandra Cisneros' novel The House on Mango Street is the focus of this research. An objective research of this study is describing the immigrant life in the novel. Descriptive gualitative method is used in this study. The data is analyzed by using representation theory and explanation of multicultural by…
This research focused on the process of dreamwork in The Vegetarian Novel by Han Kang. The objectives of this research focused on two points, they are categorizing the process of dreamwork and analyzing the dream interpretation of the main character in The Vegetarian Novel. This study uses gualitative interpretative method. The data sources are The Vegetarian Novel by Han Kang translation in En…
This research explore thedevelopment of knowledge of a character which shapes her perception of her life using the concept of phenomenology developed by Marleau-Ponty. The material obect of the research is "The Vegetarian" written by Han Kang translated by Deborah Smith 2015.
This research was about American Dream portrayed which aimed to find out the ideas of American Dream in The Great Gatsby Movie. The researcher applied Strinati's popular culture theory.