Motivation has an important role in learning the language. As Harmer (2001) states that, the success or failure of someone in learning English depends on their motivation levels. This research is aimed to analyze motivation affect the students” ability in grammatical structure and which motivation influence students” ability. The objectives of the research is to identify effect of motivatio…
The study describe The maintenance of Buginesse Language among Bone Students in Makassar. The aim of this study was to know how the maintenance of Buginesse language among Bone students in Makassar. Language maintenance is when the speech community continues to use the language from generation to generation although there are some conditions that can affect them to shift in the different langua…
This study aims to know whether or not there is an influence on student motivation to student achievement in learning English grammar at the four-semester English and Literature Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar. The sample of this research is 23 students from each class 4th semester of the English and Literature Department and selected stratified. The researcher used the guantitative descrip…