penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari unsur-unsur islam dalam tradisi kalindaqdaq di balanipa kabupaten polewali mandar. masalah yang diteliti dalam tulisan ini ada beberapa hal, yaitu: latar belakang munculnya tradisi kalindaqdaq, prosesi pelaksanaan kalindaqdaq, dan bagaimana wujud nilai-nilai islam dalam trasisi kalindaqdaq.
This research was about connotation and denotation in words meaning which revealed in Kalindaqdaq as one of the poetry kind that is usually read among Mandarese society in religious activities. This research is based on Geoffrey Leech's theory. The data were analyzed through descriptive qualitative method.
this thesis aimed to analyze the culture values of Kalindaqaq in Mandarese art in Majene. Kalindaqdaq is a poem of Mandarese people. the result of this research can be concluded that the Kalindaqdq in Mandarese art contained of cultural values. like religion, behavior, economic, love, and social system values.