This study explores the concept of post-memory in Salt Houses novel by Hala Alvan. This study focuses on the forms of post-memory depicted in the novel as well as the effect of receiving post-memory on the characters. This research method involves in-depth text analysis and a gualitative approach to identify the elements in the novel that reflect post-memory experiences. The results of this stu…
This study discusses the memory of mothers in Disney’s fairy tale movies. This study aims to analyze the princesses’ remembrances of their mothers and the effects of those remembrances by using the nostalgia theory by Linda Hutcheon. Three Disney movies, Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, and Frozen II were studied using descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this study show the…
This study discusses the memory of mothers in Disney's fairy tale movies. This study aims to analyze the princesses' remembrances of their mothers and the effects of those remembrances by using the nostalgia theory by Linda Hutcheon. Three Disney movies, Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, and Frozen II were studied using descriptive gualitative methods. The results of this study show the princes…
This study aims to analyze the factors that make characters remember events related to ideology and the purpose of remembering thcse events. This study used a descriptive gualitative method. In analyzing the data, the research used Postmemory Theory by Marianne Hirsch. According to Hirsch's interpretation, the concept of postmemory is based on trauma that can be faced individually, collectively…
This study aimed to analyze the triggering factors for the character to remember in the past and the function of memory for story structure. in analyzing the data, the researcher uses the theory of nostalgia by linda hutcheon.
This thesis Is about memory loss “anterograde amnesia” in SJ. Watson movie before I go to sleep (sociological approach). The objective of the research are (1). To describe the effects of memory los anterograde amnesia the main character’s social life in “before i go to sleep” movie (2). To describe how do the other characters help main character to heal her memory loss anterograde amn…
The implication of this research to give understanding on characteristics of romanticism for the reader who would like to know more about romanticism.