This study discusses the moral aspects of the character Jake Sully portrayed in the “Avatar 2 :The Way of Water” movie. This study aims to identify and understand the moral implication of the Avatar 2: “The Way of Water” movie. The study used Neiman’s Theory in analyzing and describing the moral aspects . In collecting the data, the researcher used note-taking as instruments in descr…
This research discusses moral values of Aladdin Animated Disney Movie Adapted from The short Story Of Aladdin In One Thousand and Night Story and aims to explore the instances of moral values and Ecranization in the Animated Disney of Aladdin (1992). This research is based on the theory of Suseno (2007) about moral values. The data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method. The res…
Ecranization provides a new space for knowledge regarding a literary work with a different form from the original work. Novel literary works are the form of literary work that most often experiences ecranization into movie form. This study aims to find out how ecranization influences moral values in the novel “Everything, Everything” by Nicola Yoon to convey to the movie. To achieved th…
Begitu pentingnya akhlak dalam kehidupan manusia, karena dengan akhlak itu pulalah salah satu ciri yang membedakan antara manusia dengan makhluk lainnya, bahkan Rasulullah SAW diutus ke dunia ini adalah untuk menyempurnakan akhlak, hal itulah bukanlah berarti agama-agama lain tidak mengajar pengikutnya supaya berakhlak, akan tetapi dari kata-kata "penyempuranaan atau menyempurnahkan" di dalamn…
Ilmu akhlak bukan kajian yang baru, tetapi sudah sangat lama dikaji oleh para pakar di bidang ilmu tasawuf, bahkan sebelum tasawuf sebagai ilmu, akhlak manusia sudah ada. sekalipun ilmunya belum ajeeg, tingkah laku manusia merupakan awal dari lahirnya ilmu akhlak maupun ilmu tasawuf. hal ini karena kedua ilmu secara subtansial berhubungan dengan tingkah laku manusia dilihat secara lahir maupu…
The purpose of the research is to explain the morality deviation performed by main characters in Samantha Downing's Novel My Lovely Wife. This research also aims to find out the factors and conseguences of the morality deviation of characters contained in the story. The gualitative descriptive method was used in this research. In collecting the data, the researcher used the Structuralism approa…
And also the purpose of this research will be related to Islamic values, such as the moral messages that exist in Islamic teachings which are in several verses in al-Our'an. (2) The method of searching for the meaning of a song that will be examined uses the method used by Buzan. (3) There are ffeameruf data collection based on the selected songs, namely Love Affection, Sincerety, Steadfastne…
buku ini membahas tentang bagaimana nilai-nilai moral spiritual yang terkandung dalam sastra arab yaitu risalatul Grufran karya Abu I-Ala al-Ma'arri
This study aims to explore the moral values in Aesop's fables. This research uses descriptive gualitative where the data are analysing use Imam Al-Ghazali's theory of moral values. The moral values found in five of Aesop's fables that are, 1) moral values related to God, 2) moral values related to oneself, including: patient, fair, and honest. 3) moral values related to other people, or commonl…
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang akhlak tasawuf defenisi akhlak diatas muncul sebagai mediator yang menjabatani ; komunikasi antara khalia (pencipta) dengan makluk (yang diciptakan) secara timbal balik