This research is focused to analyze the types of onomatopoeia and theonomatopoeia translation from English to Indonesian in Webtoon comic It's Mine, based on the translation techniques. This research used descriptive qualitative method to explain the data found in the comic. The data analyzed based on Bredin's (1996) theory about the 3 types of onomatopoeia and Molina and Albir's (2002) theory …
the result of this study showed that the types of contexts which determine the intended meaning of the SL text include linguistic context (co-text) and non-linguistic context. while the linguistic context indicates the relationship of a linguistic items to another phrase, sentence, paragraph, or discourse level, the nonlinguistic context consist of topical context which gives information about …
Buku ini membahas tentang penerjemahan dari bahasa arab ke indonesia yang berhubungan dengan khazanah ke islaman
the result of the study showed that kinds of idiom combinations were phrasal verb without object, separable phrasal verb and inseparable phrasal verb. idioms as expression which have meaning different from that individual part of it or component., an idiomatic expressions is a group of words having special meaning which usually can't be inferred from the constituent words.
Problematika yang dihadapi penerjemah dalam menerjemhkan teks arab ke teks bahasa Indonesia seperti menerjemahkan kitab suci al-quran dan karya selain kitab suci pada dasarnya terkait pada unsur linguistik dan non linguistik. Unsur linguistik mencakup makna kamus, makna morfologi, makna sintaktis, dan makna retoris. Sedang non linguistik adalah masalah perbedaan budaya, lingkungan, kebiasaan an…