This research discussed anthropomorphic characteristics in two picture books, namely Dylan the Dragon and Bully Bill, by using anthropomorphism theory by Stewart Guthrie and then semiotics theory by Charles Sanders Peirce. This research used the qualitative descriptive method to reveal the data. The findings show the anthropomorphic traits in both picture books are using human accessories,…
This research discussed anthropomorphic characteristics in two picture books, namely Dylan the Dragon and Bully Bill, by using anthropomorphism theory by Stewart Guthrie and then semiotics theory by Charles Sanders Peirce. This research used the qualitative descriptive method to reveal the data. The findings show the anthropomorphic traits in both picture books are using human accessories,…
This study discussed the response of marginal children to the story in the picture book Little People, Big Dreams. This research is based on the theory of readers response by Norman N. Holland. This research is a gualitative descriptive method by using interviews to get valid data. The findings showed that the marginal children's responses to the picture book are engagement, interroganon, inter…
Children will have different views or ways to response what they have read. Children may learn positive character traits from Islamic picture books by naturally copying other people and the language that their parents use. This research discusses about responses of children from different social class toward good word in Islamic picture book “Little Amin”. This research focuses on reader re…
This research aims to find out the mother affection portrayed in children picture book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch using structuralism approach. The research method used in this study is a gualitative method, and the data was obtained through literary review and other sources. The main data were analyzed mostly focuses on the plot and illustration from the book. The steps involved in ga…
Web Programming Membangun Aplikasi Perpustakaan dengan Framework Codeigniter (Front-End) merupakan buku yang memberikan kemudahan bagi pembaca dalam mempelajari Codeigniter sebagai framework dan meng-aplikasikannya kedalam bentuk web aplikasi yang dilengkapi dengan studi kasus pembuatan aplikasi perpustakaan. Isi materi meliputi: 1. Pembuatan database 2. Membuat transaksi peminjaman 3. Membu…
Buku ini membahas tentang IAIN Walisongo ditahun 2000.
Hasil penelitian perpustakaan digital dari ketiga UPT. Perpustakaan perguruan tinggi negeri di Kota Makassar, khususnya perpustakaan digital berbasis website atau repository UINAM mengalami perkembangan dari segi pengunjung terdapat 76,3Y6 new visitors dan 23,7Y9 returning visitors dari aplikasi perpustakaan digital perkembanganya statis, dari e-book hanya terdapat penambahan 40 judul pertahun.…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Perspektif Pegiat Literasi di Sulawesi Selatan terhadap Penyebaran Buku dan £-Book Nepal di Sosial Media, Rumusan masalah penelitan ini yaitu, bagaimana perspektif pegiat literasi di Sulawesi Selatan terhadap penyebaran buku dan e-book ilegal, serta bagaimana perspektif pepiat literasi di Sulawesi Selatan terhadap penegakan hukum yang dilakukan pemerintah terhadap …
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan koleksi digital (e-book) sebagai sumber informasi di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. Dimana permasalahan yang diangakat dalam penelitian ini yaitu: a) Bagaimana pemanfaatan koleksi digital (e-book) sebagai sumber informasi di UPT Perpustakaan UIN Alauddin Makassar? b) Kendala apa yang dihadapi dalam pemanfaatan koleksi digita…