This study focuscd on the connotative and decnotative mcaning in The Pappaseng script of the Bugincse pcople. The research has two objective, they are to describe connotative and denotative meaning included in Pappeseng of Buginess, and to show the reasons why the Pappeseng is recited in Buginess Language. The descriptive gualitative mcthod was used to analyze the data. The Pappeseng scripts wa…
This research discussed about meaning of emoticons in social media whatsapp group. The research aimed at know the meaning of emoticons on the whatsapp group. The objective of the research is to know meaning of emoticons interpreted by the senders in whatsapp group 2014 English and Literature Department and to know meaning of emoticon interpreted the whatsapp group members who respond to senders…
This research discusses the meaning of symbol used by Dan Brown in the davince code movie. This research used Barthes theory about the kinds of meaning. The researcher found that there were six symbols used by Dan Brown in The Davince Code movie with its denotative meaningand myth that symbols consist of the Pagan God, Pyramid Paid, Pentagram, Mona Lisa, The Rose and The Scotoma.