This research is aimed to analyze the existential needs in the novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy. The objectives of the research is to find out the kinds of existential needs that affect the main character of novel. The researcher uses Erich Fromm's existential needs theory. The result of the research revealed there are four kinds of existential needs that affect the main …
This research discussed about the Power of Literacy in novel The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George. This research focused on analyzing the representation of Literacy as power in the novel of The Little Paris Bookshop. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitative method. The theory that used in this research were Semantic theory by Geoffrey Leech (1974), and Rcading effect to people m…
this research discussed about the effective meanings in roth's allegiant. this research aimed to describe how the effective meanings are expressed in roth's allegiant. this research focuses on how the effective meanings are expressed based on leech's theory of affective meaning which is qualitative method. the research used note taking as the instrument to find out the valid data. the result sh…
The researcher also found two effects of culture shock experinced by Thailand students. they are positive and negative effect. based on the finding and discussion, the researcher concluded that Thailand students at alauddin state Islamic University of Makassar Experienced four proccesses and two effect of culture shock. the implication of this research is to give understanding about culture shock.
The implication of this research is informing to the reader about autism children better, the research hopes this thesis can contribute in educating reader of literary work.
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Dosen harus memiliki karakteristik yang diperlukan dalam menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang efektif. Karena itu, menurut hasil penelitian, dosen bahasa Inggris yang baik antara lain memiliki kemampuan bahaasa Inggris yang bagus, kreatif dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, bersikap ramah, dan objektif dalam memberikan penilaian terhadap tugas dan kemapuan mahasiswa. Beberapa ciri yang diun…