The result of this study shows, that: motivation of Frankie and Aurora can be seen from their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation from Frankie are to follow his passion for music, getting better life, finding his identity and the truth, and to reach his dreams. Aurora's intrinsic motivation are to help Frankie in his musical life and to live his life with full happiness. Ex…
This research aims to focus on analyzing he influence of women in restoring harmony between man (human and man) and nature in the moana movie script by using the eco-feminism approach.
this research discussed about students reading difficulties in understanding essay texts which aimed to find out reading difficulties, to identify the factors that affect reading difficulties and also to suggest potential solutions to reading difficulties experstanding
Nevertheless, behind the respective parties may also feel some of the benefits of some important discoveries during teh Crusades and afterwards.
Jurnal Al-Manar menampilakan 6 topik antara lain: pertama Pandangan hidup orang jawa. kedua agama dan kekerasan suci, ketiga konsep negara isalam menurut Ali abdul rajiq, keempat peranan kaum tarikat dalam melawan penjajah, kelima mozaik islam Indonesia, Menangkul radikalisme membingkai Nasionalisme dan yang keenam warisan karya sejarah islam Nusantara