This rescarch discussed about The Usc of Song on Tiktok Application as a Learning Media to Improve Teenagers' English Language Acguisition in Learning In Lembanna Bulukumba. This research focused on finding the effectiveness of Tiktok as a medium for acguiring English Language. The data were analyzed using descriptive guantitative method. The main instrument of the research is test which includ…
The primary goal of this study is to discuss the sign-in application Learning Logo, which includes Google Classroom, Zenius, Kelas Pintar, Zoom, Google Meet, Ouipper. Each application learning logo has a number of influential aspects, including visual communication design and color. The purpose of this study was to identify the three types of indication in the Application Learning logo. This st…
This research aimed to discuss the forms and functions of jargon in English learning community accounts on social media Instagram. This research was based on two theories, Halligan's theory (2004) regarding the forms of jargon and Geoffery Leech's theory (1981) discussed about the function of language. The researcher used observation sheets as an instrument to obtain data from three English lea…
The primary goal of this study is to discuss the sign-in application Learning Logo, which includes Google Classroom, Zenius, Kelas Pintar, Zoom, Google Meet, Ouipper. Each application learning logo has a number of influential aspects, including visual communication design and color. The purpose of this study was to identify the three types of indication in the Application Learning logo. This st…
Motivation has an important role in learning the language. As Harmer (2001) states that, the success or failure of someone in learning English depends on their motivation levels. This research is aimed to analyze motivation affect the students” ability in grammatical structure and which motivation influence students” ability. The objectives of the research is to identify effect of motivatio…
This research aimed to describe the implementation of Total Physical Response in learning vocabularies at SD inpres 3 Lere. The Research was carried out at the school on 31 until 09 February 2023. The type of this research is descriptive gualitative. The data were collected through (1) observation (2) interview and (3) documentation. All the data were analyzed using descriptive gualitative anal…
This research describes about the perception which to aimed know the students' perception toward the use of game in learning English. Then, the data were analyzed using quantitative method. The instrument of the research were questionnaire which consisted of 20 questionnaire, that is the questionnaire consist of positive and negative statements. And then, the analysis of the data was based on t…
Therefore, it can be concluded that language learning strategies is one of motivation to learn and to encourage students in learning process that usually comes from out of self or comes from inside. As addition, Learning strategies become the foundation for students to be an effective learner in Learning Speaking and to enhancing students learning strategy, it required to practice more abou…
This research describes about the perception which to aimed know the students’ perception toward the use of game in learning English. Then, the data were analyzed using quantitative method. The instrument of the research were questionnaire which consisted of 20 questionnaire, that is the questionnaire consist of positive and negative statements. And then, the analysis of the data was base…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh pemanfaatan koleksi perpustakaan terhadap penerapan kurikulum problem based learning di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kota Bima. Rumusan masalah yang menjadi pokok penelitian ini yaitu seberapa besar pengaruh pemanfaatan koleksi perpustakan terhadap penerapan kurikulum problem based learning di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kota Bima?. Tujuan penelitian ini adal…