in this novel, the writer found five kinds of mythological symbol in the novel. those are object, character, sense, setting, and action. the writer also described the meaning of mythological symbol expression that carried out by the author of the novel.
types of homodiegetic and the influence of one homodiegetic to the other homodiegetic in th novel Mark of Athena. the homodiegetic narrator is a character in the story. the types of homodiegetic are extradiegetic-homodiegetic and intradiegetic-homodiegetic. extradiegetic-homodiegetic is a narrator at the first degree who tells his own story, whereas intradiegtic-homodiegeticis a narrator in the…
in this research, the writer found three types of schemata with function. they are content schemata, formal schemata, and linguistic schemata. these types the writer determined the functions. they are comprehension, schemata, and memories. making inferences with schemata and structure of action. the result of this research shows that the reader used past experiences to collaborate what he knew …