Alhikmah ini berkaitan tentang fenomena keadilan sosial di tanah air ditinjau dari perspektif hadits, keadaan darurat dan hukum Islam yang boleh jadi ada kaitannya dengan kondisi sosial di Aceh dan persoalan kalender Hijiriah.
Ahmad Wahib was a phenomenal and kontroversial figure that had been populer with his liberal ideas. With his “Limited Group” Wahid disclosed some ideas that aimed at reactualizing the Islamic values that so far has just been comprehended just as a ritual doctrine. In wahib’s opinion, the Islamic values must be understood comprehensively, not partly and separatedly as what moslems have pra…
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Abdurrahman Wahid, as stated by Greg Berton was a new modern thinker of modern Islam who pionered the Islamic movement based on cultural genuine. He who was popularly called Gusdur has ever become the president of Indonesia and abolished a number of racial desrcimination. According to him, Islam highly appreciates the difference among human being, as a part of sunnatullah. In his opinion, two s…
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Sayyid Abu al-A’la Maududi was a prominent leader and important figure in Islamic resurrection in the 20 century. His Islamic thought became the keypoint of Islamic thought development. His works greatly influenced many scholars in many countries. Maududi had idea to make Islam as state ideology based on tauhid foundation. The sovereignity according to him absolutely belongs to God, people ar…
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar keadaban.