The research shows that cigarette advertisement has significant contributions in helping shaping masculine identities. The factor are involved in this contibution is the image illustrated in the advertisement. The strategic placement of the advertisements also allow individual to repeat read or see the advertisement which allows them to unconsciously believe the idea promoted by advertisement.
the aims of this writing is to find out factors that influences and reasons that cause code mixing used by the trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar. the findings of this thesis, the researcher found out that the kinds of language mixing from used by trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar are 42 words, 13 phrases, 36 clauses, and 24 sentences. by the questionnaire, th res…
As conclusion, this thesis argued that sandra brown used nine forms of vague language in her novel "Deadline" especially in the conversation and this thesis also implicated to tell people how many forms of vague language and gave understanding and conception about vague language among the readers. Beside, this thesis can stimulate the students of english literature departmen to learn more about…
the result of this research showed that the adjective in english is different from adjective in indonesian. the different of both includes the position, the form, and the comparative. in the position, the english adjective placed before noun and after linking verb. on the other hand, indonesian adjective position comes after noun.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang eksistensi pondok pesantren DDI Nurussalam, sistem pendidikan dan pembinaan pondok pesantren DDI Nurusaalam, usaha-usaha pondok pesantren DDI Nurussalam terhadap pengembangan Islam di Desa Lassa Lassa kecamatan Bontolempangan kabupaten Gowa. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif (History/Sejarah) yang menggunakan metode sejarah. Dengan…
Buku ini menggagas metodologi fikih realitas atau upaya aktualisasi hukum islam, di sini juga ditulis tentang al-qur'an merupakan wahyu yang diturunkan Allah SWT sebagai dasar sumber, pedoman dan sumber hukum bagi manusia
Fiqih muqaranah adalah suatu ilmu yang menjelaskan hukum Islam dalam berbagai masalah, dengan mengemukakan pendapat para mujtahid, masalah-masalah mana yang disepakati dan diperselisihkan oleh mereka, baik hukum, dalil-dalil, maupun kaidah-kaidah ushul yang dipergunakan oleh masing-masing mujtahid
Muqaramah muzahib fil ushul adalah salah satu disiplin ilmu dari ushul fiqh, yaitu suatu sub bidang yang memfokus kajiannya tentang teori-teori hukum yang terdapat di berbagai mahzab hukum
buku menguraikan tentang wakaf, peranan nazhir dalam pengelolaan wakaf, efektifitas wakaf dan upaya pengoptimalan pengelolaan wakaf.