Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah perkembangan perpustakaan periode klasik sebelum masehi, periode pertengahan, periode modern dan sejarah perkembangan perpustakaan islam
Something important to know is understanding Asmaul Husna in al-Quran. This writing discusses some points of al-Asma a-Husna that contains close meaning with the values of human life. Mankind will be more progress, civilized, prosperious and can stand on its own feet, if they always implement the values of Asmaul Husna, both indivually or socially, this because Asmaul Husna is the essence or he…
This writing discusses controversial hadits and the way of understanding the hadis, using various methods and interpretation technique. Although a hadis is recognized controversial, ¡t doesn’t mean that it cannot be solved. Some ulamas of hadis have discussed and put forward some alternative arguments to come to final conclusion. Some methods such as; aI-Jam’u, aI-Tarflh, al Nasikh, waaI-M…