Skripsi ini membahas bahwa Sejarah Dan Perkembangan Situs Dan Cagar Budaya Benteng Rotterdam Di Makassar. Hal dilihat dapat dilihat pada, pertama: Benteng Ujung Pandang atau biasa dikenal Benteng Fort Rotterdam dibangun oleh Raja Gowa ke-IX yang bernama Daeng Matanre Karaeng Mangngutungi Tumapa'risi Kallonna yang diselesaikan oleh Raja Gowa ke-X yang bernama | manrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiu…
penelitian ini membahas tentang sistem pengolahan bahan pustaka di peprustakaan smp negeri 7 bulukumba. rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana sistem pengolahan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan smp negeri 7 bulukumba dan apakah kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam sistem pengolahan bahan pustaka.
The result of this research showed that ability of the first year of SMA Negeri 1 Seram Utara to pronounce consonants was categorized as poor. it was shown by the mean score was low or poor. the resul of this research showed that the mean score of the ability to pronounce english consonants was 40,33. this showed that the ability of the students to pronounce english consonants was poor.
This research discussed about an analysis language function in BPEC (Benteng panynyua English club) in fort Rotterdam. This research aimed to find out the types of language function. This research was actually conducted in order to make people understand about the function of language function that they used to communicate each other. This research based on jacobson’s in Herbert theory about …