This research discussed about slang and aims to find out the type, meaning and function of slang used by 5 celebgrams on social media instagram. The researcher used Allan and Burridge's theory which discussed the types and functions of slang and used dictionary to find out the meaning of slang. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitative approach to classify the type, meaning…
The purpose of the research is to explain the morality deviation performed by main characters in Samantha Downing's Novel My Lovely Wife. This research also aims to find out the factors and conseguences of the morality deviation of characters contained in the story. The gualitative descriptive method was used in this research. In collecting the data, the researcher used the Structuralism approa…
Skapsi ini membahas tentang Peran Perpustakaan Dalam Menunjang Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar di SMA Ncgeri 2 Sambi Rampas Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, Pokok pembahasan yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah Pemanfaatan Perpustakaan dalam Menunjang Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar di SMA Negeri 2 Sambi Rampas Kabupaten Mangyarai Timur dan Kendala-kendala yang di hadapi Perpustakaan dalam Menunjang Kegiatan Be…
Buku ini membahas tentang aksentuasi yang menitik beratkan penekanan utama dalam pengembangan perpustakaan serta sumbangsih untuk pustakawan.
This research discussed discourse or thought about beauty trough production of discourse, which is the procedure that contain of factors external and internal exclusinon in the webtoon true beauty by Youngyi. Focault theory and methode of discorse analysis are applied as an approach to reveal discourse of formations by external and internal exclusion. This research used the descriptive qualitat…
This researcher discussed about pronunciation errors in syllabic conconant sound uttered by fourth semester students english literature at adab and humanities faculty, this researcher aimed to find aout the pronunciation of syllabic consonant sound produced by the fourth semester students with reading in the text.
Skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa kerajaan Gowa, dimulai dari berdirinya kerajaan Gowa, struktur birokrasi kerajaan Gowa, kerajaan Gowa sebelum Islam dan proses Islamisasi kerajaan Gowa, pengertian lontara bilang adalah salah satu jenis lontara yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan khususnya kerajaan Gowa. Di dalamnya termuat catatan atau kronologi peristiwa tertentu seperti: pelatihan, p…
It was found that from three kinds of learning strategies; 1. Metacognitive learning strategies, 2. Cognitive learning strategies, 3. Socioaffective learning strategies which were proposed by O'Malley et al, the highest learning strategies used by the students who have cumlaude 3.76-4.00 GPA was socioaffective learning strategies. It was then followed by cognitive and metacognitve respectively.