Skripsi ini berkaitan dengan permasalahan ilmu tata bahasa, kalimat Jumlah Filiyah dalam kitab Wasiat Al-Mushofa, untuk bab tentang wudhu dan sholat (kajian analitis gramatikal). Di dalamnya terdapat dua permasalahan pokok, yaitu: 1. Bagaimanakah penggunaan kalimat Jumlah Filiyah dalam kitab Wasiat Al-Mushofa mengenai bab wudhu dan shalat? 2. Bagaimanakah Irob kalimat Jumlah Filiyah dalam …
Language is the most important thing in human life. By using language, the speaker is expected to convey the information clearly. However, in the process of thinking when delivering ideas, sometimes people made hesitation pause. This hesitation pause is used when people need time to think of the appropriate word to say next that suddenly made the speaker make fillers or even corrected thems…
Language is the most important thing in human life. By using language, the speaker is expected to convey the information clearly. However, in the process of thinking when delivering ideas, sometimes people made hesitation pause. This hesitation pause is used when people need time to think of the appropriate word to say next that suddenly made the speaker make fillers or even corrected themselve…
Therefore,the writer concluded that this novel has all of the stages in monomyth structures except in initiation is women as temptress and in the return is refusal of the return.
in this thesis, the writer found that there are many utterances in the novel Daughter of Smoke and Bone that refer to phatic function by main character to keep conversation channel of her relationship with other listener of the conversation. then the writer also found three types of phatic function that are mostly used by the main character in the novel namely the neutral 14 utterances, the sel…