Skripsi ini membahas tentang 1) Tradisi ziarah pada makam Syekh H. Muhammad Amir merupakan tradisi turun-temurun yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Bantaeng dan sekitarnya untuk mengimplementasikan rasa syukur. 2) Proses pelaksanaan tradisi ziarah pada makam Syekh H. Muhammad Amir yaitu membakar lilin, menyiram minyak bau' ke batu nisan, mengirimkan doa kepada si mayit yang dipimpin oleh pinati mak…
this research discusses the language functions and aims to find out the kinds of language functions exspressed in the "promises after drak" novel (2013) by sadie matthews.
this research discusses the language functions and aims to find out the kinds of language
Skripsi ini membahas tentang upaya peningkatan dan pengembanganlayanandiperpustakaanSekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomi NobelIndonesiaMakassar.Pokokpermasalahanyangdiangkatdalam penelitianiniadalahbagaimanalayanandiperpustakaanSekolahTinggi IlmuEkonomiNobelIndonesiaMakassar,bagaimanaupayapeningkatan danpengembanganlayanandiPerpustakaanSekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomi NobelIndonesiaMakassar,kendalaapayangser…
Pokok masalah tentang bagaimana taradisi Muntuli Je'ne di desa Tombolo Kacamatan Kelara Kabupaten Jeneponto. Adapun Sub masalah adalah bagaimana latar belakang pelaksanaan tradisi Muntuli Je'ne, Bagimana proses pelaksnaan taradisi Muntuli je;ne, bagaimna relasi Islam dan Tradisi Muntuli Je;ne.
This study aims to analysis about Existentialism in John Green's the Fault in Our Stars Novel which aimed to explain how the existentialism discourses occurs in the characters. This research applied qualitative method where the data were analyzed through Kierkegaard's theory about existentialism. The researcher used note taking as the instrument to find the valid data. The findings of this rese…
This research discussed about Language Attitude of Student at Tadika Puri School of Airlines towards English. This research aimed to investigate the language attitudes of the students at Tadika Puri School towards English which based on theory of Robert Gardner about behavioral ,cognitive and emotional aspect of language attitude. The total number of respondents were thirty student in the Airli…
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem tajuk subyek di perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Kabupaten Pinrang kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam sistem tajuk subyek yakni dengan menentukan subyek dasar, subyek sederhana, subyek majemuk dan subyek kompleks.
This thesis a research about Analysis moral in Nicholas Sparks “Safe Haven) by using Bartens. Theory of the main characters. The objective of this research are. To know the good and bad morals portrayed by the main characters in the novel Safe Haven. In the method in this research is descriptive method, and the source of the data of this research is he novel Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks, whi…