Then, the self is signifying the unification of consciousness and unconsciousness in characters, and representing the psyche as a whole. The self is realized as the real individuation which in the process of personality integration. Another words, the self serves as unifying force that has a transcendent function which provides stability and balance to the various aspects of personality. In…
This research di scussed about Argument Staretgies which aimed to find out the argumentative strategies which helped students' competence in their spoken languange in Alauddin Debate Associatin (ALDEBA).
Penelitian ini membahas tentang efektifitas dari fungsi perpustakaan di perpustakaan UIN Alauddin Makassar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana efektifitas fungsi perpustakaan, dan mengetahui apa saja kendala yang dihadapi perpustakaan dalam mengefektifitaskan fungsinya di Perpustakaan UIN Alauddin Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pen…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Usaha Pustakawan Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Di Perpustakaan Utsman Bin Affan UMI Makassar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perpustakaan Utsman Bin Affan UMI Makassar. Rumusan masalah skripsi ini adalah bagaimanakah usaha pustakawan dalam meningkatkan kualitas layanan di perpustakaan Utsman Bin Affan UMI Makassar dan kendala apa saja yang dihadapi oleh pust…
This thesis is studied about taboos culture in Laiyolo (Mythical study at Laiyolo Language). The objectives of this research areto reveal the taboos culture in Laiyolo (Mythical study in Laiyolo Language) and to know the society’s perception of taboos culture in Laiyolo. This research used descriptive qualitative and Tatira’s theory. The data collections of this research is interviewing…
this study focuses on the representation of LGBT in born this way video clip by lady gaga
This research discussed more about Morphology Errors Made by The Sixth Semester Students in English and Literature Departement od Adab And Humanities Faculty in Writing Essay Whichy Aimed To Find out the types of errors in students' writing essay and the causes of it.
ىذه الرسالة تبحث عن أبو األسود الدؤيل كآثره ُب النحو العريب. كتتكوف من ادلشكالت، ككال تتعلق بادلوضوع، األكؿ: كيف أفكار أيب األسود الدؤيل ُب النحو العريب، كالثاٍل: كيف آثار أيب األسود الدؤيل ُب النحو العريب. كأغراض ىذه …
Skripsi ini membahas tentang “Perilaku Santri dalam Menelusuri Informasi di Perpustakaan Pondok Pesantren Darul Aman Gombara Makassar”. Pokok permasalahan dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana perilaku pemustaka dalam menelusuri informasi di Perpustakaan Pondok Pesantren Darul Aman Gombara Makassar dan kendala apa yang dihadapi santri atau pemustaka dalam menelusuri informasi di Perpustak…
This research discussed about the intertextuality in Kurt Vonnegut’s short story Harrison Bergeron and Scott Westerfeld’s novel Uglies, which aimed to describe the horizontal and vertical axis in the short story and the novel. This research focused on the horizontal and vertical axis based on Julia Kristeva’s theory of intertextuality. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitat…