Paralinguistic features refer to non-verbal communication which can be seen from the non-vocal aspect and vocal aspect. The purpose of this research is to find out what are the paralinguistic features performed by the English Lecturer in the (EFL) Classroom and to investigate what is the students’ perception toward the English lecturer’s paralinguistic features in the classroom of seco…
skripsi ini membahas tentang fenomena peningkat verbal dalam sistem kewaspadaan pelajar dalam etika oleh cendekiawan terhormat ahmad mysore sindi al tarsdi (sebuah studi analitis yanga sangat bagus) karakteristik peningkat verbal .
This thesis explores the violence experienced by female characters in Liane Moriarty's novel Big Little Lies by using Humm's thcory of feminism and Harnoko's theory of violence. The researcher used the descriptivegualitative method. The novel Big Little Lies (2014) tells about the types of Violence and oppression experienced by Jane and Celeste. The researcher found that the violence experience…
The aim of this research is to discuss a conflict of racism and the struggle against racism in the novel “Dear Martin” by Nic Stone. The method used in this research is a descriptive gualitative method and note taking is the instrument of this research. The object used is the novel “Dear Martin” by Nic Stone. The researcher identified a racist conflict based on the four types of racism …
Komunikasi Antarbudaya merupakan salah satu kajian penting dalam ilmu komunikasi. Arus gklobalisasi telah menjadikan penduduk dunia ini sebagai manusia-manusia antarbudaya. Rasanya tidak ada lagi manusia yang bisa hidup saat ini tanpa berkomunikasi manusia lain dari luar komunitasnya. Teknologi komunikasi yang makin canggih, pertumbuhan populasi dunia, dan pergerakan ekonomi global telah mening…
Tks Reseerch discussed the Directive Speech Acts Performed in Litde Woo Move (2019) This Research aimed 40 find out 1h2 types of Direcuve Speech Act 2nd to 2nahvze Direcuve Speech Act performed by the characters in Ie moves In 22hN7ang the data, the researcher used the Speech Act Thsory by Jota Searla Th3s research used a ggalrznve descripave method. In this research, Te pn astrea of this resea…
This research discusses verbal humor and aims to find out the types of verbal humor expressed in stand up comedy by Traver Noah. This research used a theory that proposed by shade about verbal humor. The results of this study can give a brief explanation of the analysis of the verbal language through humor related to the topic. Humor is an important topic that can be analyzed using a linguistic…
This research discussed about languange function in intercultural verbal communication which aimed to find out the kids of language function and the dominant one that teachers and foreigner students used. This research based on Jakobson's theory who figured out about language function.