Idiolect is a form of language that is usually used by someone. This diversity is the totality of personal characteristics in the pattern of choice of vocabulary or idioms (individual lexicon), grammar and pronunciation. This thesis aims to analyse Amandeeph Thind's idiolect in the TEDx Talk program on YouTube. This research uses a qualitative method by analyse idiolects, the researcher ana…
This research aimed to describe the implementation of Total Physical Response in learning vocabularies at SD inpres 3 Lere. The Research was carried out at the school on 31 until 09 February 2023. The type of this research is descriptive gualitative. The data were collected through (1) observation (2) interview and (3) documentation. All the data were analyzed using descriptive gualitative anal…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Analisis peran perpustakaan komunitas kata kerja dalam mendorong perubahan sosial di masyarakat. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana perpustakaan komunitas kata kerja dalam memaknai perubahan sosial? dan apa saja usaha-usaha yang dilakukkan perpustakaan kata kerja dalam mendorong perubahan sosial?
Dreams have a narrative or story. Dreams can also inspire a person, as what has happened in Max's dream. The inspiration Max that takes can change him to the better person. Although his dream is short, from Max's dream, it can be seen that the most basic things in changing Max are awareness and love. Max's awareness, when he was aware of what did not exist, which existed before. This means that…